In Rotary, 23 February is our anniversary, and February is also the month when we focus on promoting peace. There is a reason for this: Contributing to peace and international understanding has been a high priority for us since our earliest days.
We are often asked: “How can we get involved in peace now?” There are many paths to peace in Rotary. Our youth programs point us in the direction of Positive Peace, as does the work of intercountry committees and the Rotary Action Group for Peace.
Another path is the Rotarian Peace Projects Incubator (RPPI), an inspirational collaboration among Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace Fellows and alumni. Led by Rotarians in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, RPPI has designed 48 global projects that any club can support, either directly or through Rotary Foundation global grants. Nino Lotishvili and Matthew Johnsen, alumni of the Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, are two of the many volunteers.
There was once a strong young man who was offered a job as a woodcutter. He set about his task with energy: The first week, he turned 18 trees into firewood. The second week, he worked just as hard, but was surprised to find he had chopped only 11 trees. The third week, despite working nonstop from morning till night, the number was six, and he went despairingly to the foreman to offer his resignation. "I am losing my strength. I can no longer cut as many trees as I once could." - See more at:
There was once a strong young man who was offered a job as a woodcutter. He set about his task with energy: The first week, he turned 18 trees into firewood. The second week, he worked just as hard, but was surprised to find he had chopped only 11 trees. The third week, despite working nonstop from morning till night, the number was six, and he went despairingly to the foreman to offer his resignation. "I am losing my strength. I can no longer cut as many trees as I once could." - See more at:
During my Rotary peace journey, I have learned how personal resilience helps build inner peace and create sustainable outer peace. This was the inspiration behind the Women Peace Ambassadors for the South Caucasus project, which is based on my field research in Georgia. The RPPI team of Rotarians and peace fellows recognized the incredible potential of women from mixed-ethnicity families who live on borderlands to be role models for peace within and beyond their communities. Through workshops on building inner and outer peace that draw on the power of storytelling, 40 participants will be sharing their stories and reaching around 400 extended family and community members. These inspiring but marginalized women will reclaim their inner strength as peacebuilders at the grassroots level. In this way, we will take steps toward the sustainable, peaceful society we need so much, not only in our region, but throughout the world. — Nino Lotishvili
I was excited to join the peace incubator project and to further strengthen my ties with Rotary’s peace community by working with past and current peace fellows to develop these proposals. My team wrote five proposals — three in Bangladesh, one in Iraq, and one in Poland — that focus on the arts and on education to generate dialogue across religious divisions and avert the radicalization of young people. I was inspired by how, despite the pandemic, we came together via technology with a vision to develop, test, and strengthen ideas and to produce workable solutions that clubs across the world can support to advance peace. I am excited to work with Rotary’s peace community to transform these visions into reality. — Matthew Johnsen
Here is further proof that in Rotary, we prefer action to words. This is Rotary at its best. I encourage you to visit to explore the projects and support them.
We have lasted 116 years because of our strong ethics, our passion for Service Above Self, and our unique approach to problem-solving. One of our greatest strengths is how we reach across our communities and across national, ethnic, religious, and political divisions to unite people of all backgrounds and to help others. This month, let’s celebrate our history and the many ways that Rotary OpensOpportunities to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace, our ultimate mission.
Holger Knaack President 2020-2021 Rotary International
I hope you are making plans for the upcoming Rotary International Convention. Rotarians who live near the Pacific Ocean are especially excited! Next year’s event is in beautiful Hawaii, and I know everyone is eager to make the journey to that island paradise.
So “give me five” by signing up right now for the Honolulu convention if you haven’t already — and make a plan for how you are going to help The Rotary Foundation reach new heights in 2019. We are transforming lives everywhere, and it’s all because of you.
We remind you often about the importance of giving to the Annual Fund. These donations are making the world a better place, not just by helping to end polio now and forever. Your donations make every type of Rotary grant around the world possible.
But many of you don’t know something just as important: Contributing to the Rotary Endowment ensures our future. I hope you will consider creating your own legacy by making a gift to the endowment. The idea behind it is simple and very powerful. Rotary’s Endowment supports Foundation programs today and into the future.
We have a goal of $2.025 billion by 2025. We will reach that goal with your support. And once we do, amazing things will be possible. Just by drawing from the annual investment earnings, the Foundation will have about $100 million every year — year after year — for all kinds of life-changing and lifesaving projects. This will be an amazing accomplishment and will truly secure our Foundation long into the future.
This month, I want to give out two very special high-fives. The first goes to the Rotary Club of Taipei Roundtable. Members collected and donated $10,000 to End Polio Now during the installation ceremony for Club President Jeff Lin. Then, during a changeover ceremony a few days later, District 3750 in Korea inducted six new Arch Klumph Society members, bringing their total to eight. Congratulations for the outstanding job by new District Governor Yun Young-Jung!
The generosity of Rotarians continues to give my life great joy and purpose, and I hope it does for you as well.
Fowler Rotarians Linda Brouillette and Steve Sorenson join our Rotarian neighbors from Boswell at the annual Rotary District Foundation Dinner in Elkhart, IN, on Friday evening, September 30th, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation during this Rotary year. There were nearly 225 attendees that were present to have a great meal, share in the fun, and hear a fantastic speaker in Past Rotary International President Rick King. It was truly a fantastic evening!
Fowler & Boswell Rotarians at the District Foundation Dinner
Fowler Rotary will be teaming up with the Boy Scouts Troop #301 at the Earl Park Fall Festival serving breakfast Labor Day weekend, on Saturday, Sunday & Monday, September 3 - 5. We will be open each day from 7 am - 10:30 am EDT. Your choice of menu options will include items like Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Patties, Biscuits & Gravy, cold drinks & coffee. Stop by and join us for a great breakfast, and visit with your friends & neighbors. We look forward to seeing you there!
Fowler Rotary to be at the Earl Park Fall Festival
Tomorrow, August 10, at our regular Fowler Rotary meeting our special guest speaker will be our District Governor Ranjan Kini from Schererville, IN. He will be making his official club visit. He would like to meet with the board members at 11am, just prior to the start of our regular meeting at 12 noon. Our meeting location is at the Fowler United Methodist Church, located at 908 E.12th Street, in Fowler, IN. We encourage you to be on time. Visitors are always welcome. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
District Governor Ranjan Kini to make Official Visit
The Rotary District 6540 Foundation Dinner will be held on Friday evening, September 30, in Elkhart, IN. Our special guest speaker will be Rotary International Past President Rick King. This is one that you absolutely will not want to miss. Mark your calendar now, and plan to be there to support our foundation, The Rotary Foundation!
May 28th will be the first day that Rotarians can register for the Atlanta Convention in 2017, with a special discounted rate of $265 for the first ten days only of registration. Go to register to attend. What a great opportunity to attend an RI Convention right here in the United States. We hope to see several of you there.
2017 RI Convention in Atlanta, Georgia - Early Registration Savings
The upcoming annual Quad City Rotary meeting will be hosted by the Otterbein Rotary Club at the Benton County Annex Building in Fowler. IN on Thursday evening, May 5, beginning at 6:30 pm. The cost is $15.00 per person. Spouses and guests are encouraged to attend. The menu entrees will consist of Roast Beef and Chicken. A head count will be taken at our regular Rotary meeting next Wednesday, April 27 to confirm your plans to attend this annual event.
The program/entertainment will be the Benton Central Choir. A representative from each Quad-City club: Attica-Williamsport, Boswell, Fowler & Otterbein should be prepared to give a 2 minute talk on the major activities this past year, as well as any future planned upcoming events to be shared with the other clubs. We look forward to seeing you there!
This is Your Opportunity to Share Your Thoughts and Ideas!
District Governor Steve Sorenson would like to hold a district-wide Young Professional Leaders Summit for Rotarians between the ages of 25 to 40, with the opportunity to share their thoughts about their Rotary experiences, to reflect on their Rotary stories, and exchange ideas. The aim is to have participants engage in open and candid discussions about what is working now in Rotary, ideas for improvements, and ways to extend their positive experiences with Rotary to young professionals throughout our district and around the world.
Many times we hear young professionals say that they are never asked how Rotary can better attract and engage their specific generations. One of the main goals of this proposed summit will be to give these young leaders within our district a voice in this important conversation and then really listen to their ideas and strategies on how the Rotary experience can be enhanced for the younger generations, and the future of Rotary.
Once again, if you are between the ages of 25 to 40, and you have an interest in participating in this proposed summit, please email District Governor Steve Sorenson at and we will then determine a potential date and location for this special opportunity. Please respond by Monday, May 11, if you are interested.
Rotary District 6540 Young Professional Leaders Summit - Are you willing to Participate in this Program?
2015 is the Year to sell 500 Indiana Rotary License Plates or more statewide!!!! We need your HELP to do it!
It is imperative that we meet this sales goal in order to ensure that the Indiana Rotary Plate will continue to be available in the future. We have been notified that 2015 will be the last year of the Rotary plate if we do not reach the goal of 500 plates. We need your help to get the word out to all members, friends and family member of Rotarians! With more than 6,000 Rotarians in the State of Indiana with one or more vehicles, it should not be difficult to meet this goal! So as your vehicle license plates come up for renewal during 2015, and you receive your renewal registration form in the mail, please consider purchasing an Indiana Rotary License plate for your various vehicles, and show your pride in being a Rotarian in our great State of Indiana, and especially Rotary District 6540.
Now here is something to think about: Only 8% of all Indiana Rotarians need to purchase a Rotary Plate to achieve our Statewide Goal! We need to encourage at least 4 - 5 members per club to buy a Rotary license plate!!! Or get one member to buy 2 auto plates, 2 truck plate and 1 motorcycle plate!!!!Now that sounds easy!
Please join us for an evening of fellowship and fun at the 2014 Rotary District 6540 Foundation Dinner Fundraiser for The Rotary Foundation. The event is scheduled for Friday evening, October 24, 2014, at The Lerner Theatre Crystal Ballroom, located at 410 S. Main Street, in Elkhart, IN. The Social Mixer and Silent Auction will begin at 5:30 pm ET. Our Dinner and the "Live" Auction will be from 6:15 to 7:30 pm ET. The evening Program and Recognition of fine supporters will be from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm ET. We are bringing back the class event that it started out to be several years ago. Business attire, or Black Tie optional.
Our keynote speaker for the evening will be Jean Irwin Hatfield from the Rotary Club of Folsom, CA. Jean has been described as hilarious, thought provoking and heartwarming. She brings a thoroughly entertaining approach to the subject of Rotary and "Service Above Self". She is a retired teacher of the deaf who earned her Master's Degree in England while a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar. She has taught deaf and hearing impaired students in pre-school through 12th grade. She is a strong proponent of literacy programs within Rotary and was a coordinator in the successful effort to change Nevada's laws to require hearing tests of all newborns before leaving the hospital. In 2009 she received Rotary's prestigious "Service Above Self" Award. She has spoken to over 250 Rotary and teaching conferences about the long term effects that the Rotary Foundation has had on her life and the lives of many others.
The cost to attend this special event is $120 per person, which includes a $60 donation to The Rotary Foundation. In addition to the $60 Foundation contribution included in your ticket price, we are going to credit your personal Paul Harris Fellow account with the following amounts:
$50 for event registration on or beforeOctober 10, 2014. SIGN UP TODAY !!! Login and click on the event in the District Events column on the right side of this homepage, or you can complete and return your invitation card that you received in the mail.
$50 for any Rotarian who is a first time Foundation Dinner attendee.
$50 for any Rotarian who provides a winning "OVERBID" on a silent auction item.
All registrants will have their name entered into a drawing to be held that night to receive up to $1,000 credit toward the next level of Paul Harris Fellow.
Any club who has at least 10% of its active members attend will be guaranteed a $500District Grant in the Rotary Year 2015 - 2016.
Any club that has 10 or more members attend will receive a Paul Harris Fellow to be awarded as determined by the club.
The club that raises the most money through registration fees and auction items purchased will receive a Pail Harris Fellow to be awarded as determined by the club.
Check this out - A first time attendee who registers to attend on or before October 10, would receive $60 from their own ticket purchase, and possibly another $100 from the District for a grand total of up to $160 toward their personal Paul Harris Fellow account at The Rotary Foundation. Now, that's not bad at all, for the purchase of a $120 ticket to attend this prestigious event. Please note: This is the only District fundraiser that we have the entire year, with the net proceeds going to support The Rotary Foundation.
Click here to go directly to the registration page to sign up to attend. We appreciate your participation at this special event.
By the way, don't forget to bring your check book to this important Foundation fundraiser event, so you are prepared to purchase those Silent and "Live" auction items. A list of those items will be provided on this site soon! We look forward to seeing you there!
2014 Rotary District 6540 Foundation Dinner Fundraiser - Friday, October 24th
So you are looking for new and innovative ways to attract new members. Well, you asked for it, and we are going to deliver! The 2014 District Membership Seminar will be held on Saturday, October 18, at the Plymouth Public Library, located at 201 N. Center Street, in downtown Plymouth, IN, from 10 am to 1 pm EDT. District Membership Chair Dan Ryan is looking forward to bringing you the most recent ideas and suggestions from the Rotary Zone 30 & 31 Membership Attraction & Engagement Summit that was held in September. Dan and his great membership team will assist you in your efforts to grow your clubs membership. We encourage all club Presidents, Presidents Elect, and Membership Chairs, as well as any other Rotarians interested in membership growth, to plan to attend this seminar.
Please register to attend this important seminar by logging in on the district website, then clicking on the Membership Seminar event located under the District Events column on the right side of their homepage, or you can email John Smith at to register to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
District Membership Seminar - Saturday, October 18
We are very proud to have such a great team of future leaders in Rotary District 6540. With Immediate Past District Governor Christina Dougherty, our new 2014 - 2015 District Governor & Fowler Rotarian Steve Sorenson, District Governor Elect Roger Sims, District Governor Nominee Ranjan Kini, and District Governor Nominee Designate Lisa Waterman. Now let's go out and "Light Up Rotary" during this new Rotary year.
2014 - 2015 Rotary District 6540 Leadership Team Ready for Action -
As a Rotarian in the State of Indiana, you can get an official Rotary license plate to proudly display on your car, truck, or motorcycle. But, we need your help, as Rotarians, to purchase them.
If you want to show your support for Rotary in Indiana, you can get a Rotary license plate to proudly display on your car, truck or motorcycle. You don't have to be a Rotary member, but if you are, some of the proceeds from the license plate will go to our local Rotary club.
It's much easier to get a Rotary license plate. When you are ready to renew your license plate, you will be able to select a Rotary plate directly at the BMV, or on the BMV web site.
There is a minimum of 500 vehicle license plates that must be sold in any given year, to keep the special plates available from year to year. So please consider signing up for one to put on your vehicle this year.
We understand that you can personalize it, just pick your favorite number, if it is available, or take the next plate number that comes up when applying.
Announcing the 2014
Indiana Rotary License Plate Program Challenge
License Plates Sales District Challenge
First Place: $2000
Second Place: $1000
Third Place: $ 500
Prize money will be awarded based on the percent of license plate sales by District membership. The total number of plates sold by county within each District is determined from July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 and divided by the number of members in the District at the end of June 2014. The District with the greatest percentage of sales/members will be awarded the first place prize. Districts with the second and third place percentages will also receive prize awards as listed above. Prize money will be awarded to the 2013-14 District Governors in July 2014 to be used for a charitable purpose within Indiana.
How to order your Rotary License plate: Online at the myBMV website or visit your local Bureau of Motor Vehicle (BMV) branch office.
Cost per plate: $40 ($25 group fee, $15 administrative fee) The group fee is used to fund Indiana college scholarships and education initiatives. Low-digit plates (1 - 100) are still available at an additional cost of $30.
Proud to be a Rotarian in Indiana = Priceless!!
(In 2012, sales increased to 278 plates. Our challenge is to increase sales again to“500 plates” so we can keep the Rotary License Plate alive and well in Indiana, with your help!!)
In Addition, Support for the RI End Polio Now Campaign
For each Rotary License plate sold between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, the Columbus Sunrise Rotary Club will donate $1 to The Rotary Foundation on behalf of your District 6540, to support the “End Polio Now” initiative:
> License plate sales will be tracked for each District: 6540, 6560, 6580
> A check for the amount equal to the number of plates sold in each District will be sent to The Rotary Foundation on a quarterly basis (October, January, April & July)
> The check will identify the District (6540, 6560, 6580) to receive credit for the donation
> Each District Governor will be notified of the amount of the donation on a quarterly basis.
If you would like more information, please contact: Cindy Green at or Trish Moore at (812) 371-3243.
Indiana's End Polio Now Rotary License Plate Challenge for 2014
Do you have a great shot from a club project or fundraiser? Did you capture a memorable moment at the convention in Lisbon or while on an international trip? Enter your images in The Rotarian’s 2014 photo contest and you could win one of three cameras: a digital SLR with lens or one of two ultra-zoom point-and-shoots. Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer David Hume Kennerly is guest judge this year.
Submit up to three photos taken in 2013 or 2014 that illustrate the spirit of Rotary. This year’s contest closes the 28th of February, 2014.
The Rotarian will feature the winning photos in the June issue. Other top photos from the contest will appear throughout the year.
The next opportunity to attend an RLI session, right here in Rotary District 6540, will be on Saturday, March 1, 2014, with breakfast being served from 8:00 - 9:00 am EST. The training sessions will begin at 9:00 am and conclude by 4:00 pm EST, at the Blue Gate Garden Inn, located at 800 South Van Buren Street, in Shipshewana, IN 46565. To make an overnight reservation on Friday or Saturday, please call the Blue Gate Garden Inn at (260) 768-7688.
A discounted room rate of $81 per night for staying at this event host hotel has been arranged. You must contact the hotel directly to make a reservation by February 1st to guarantee a room. Make sure that you mention, that you are attending the Rotary Leadership Institute to get the discounted room rate.
All three Sessions 1, 2 & 3 will be offered at this event. To register to attend this training event, being held right here in District 6540, visit the RLI Great Lakes website at The cost for the training sessions in 2014 is $75.00 per person, and includes full breakfast, lunch, and all training materials.
Excellent leadership is the key to successful service by our clubs, to our communities and around the world. The purpose of the RLI is to assist in improving the Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of the future leaders of our Rotary clubs. All Rotarians throughout District 6540, and those around the world, are encouraged to attend these 3 different sessions, each taken separately in order. This is a great opportunity to become more knowledgeable about Rotary.
Attend the Upcoming Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Sessions held Right Here in District 6540 on Saturday, March 1, 2014
A tribute to our past Song Leaders & Pianist here at Fowler Rotary over the years. In memory of Harold Sarig & Mildred Dexter, and in honor of Rex Russell & Janey Russell. Thank you for your special service given to Fowler Rotarians past and present.
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely you’ll buy your pint cup !
and surely I’ll buy mine !
And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine ;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot, since auld lang syne.
We two have paddled in the stream, from morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us broad have roared since auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand my trusty friend !
And give me a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!!!!May 2014 be the best year ever!
"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" is a classic Christmas Song written in 1951 by Meredith Willson. The song was originally titled "It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas". The song has been recorded by many artists, but was a hit by Perry Como and The Fontane Sisters with Mitchell Ayers & His Orchestra on September 10, 1951. Bing Crosby recorded a version on October 1, 1951, which was also widely played.
In 1986, Johnny Mathis recorded "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" for his album Christmas Eve with Johnny Mathis; this version gained popularity after its inclusion in the 1992 film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Gradually, Mathis' recording began to receive wide radio airplay, and for the past several years this version has been a Top 10 Christmas hit. We hope that you enjoy Johnny Mathis singing this Christmas Song titled "It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas".
A Christmas Song Dedicated to Our Rotary Family & Friends
On Wednesday evening, December 11th, Fowler Rotarians shared their annual Christmas gathering with the residents and staff of the Benton County Retirement Village. Rotarians carried in the dinner and provided gifts for everyone at the Village. Our Rotary Assistant Governor Missy Houghtaling joined us for this special occasion. We all enjoyed a great evening of food, fellowship and yes, even singing some Christmas songs. The Village residents thanked each Rotarian for the dinner, and for the gifts that they received. Rotarians were honored to be able to share this opportunity with them. Special thanks to Brenda Lee, the Administrator at the Retirement Village, for making this opportunity possible. Merry Christmas to all of our new friends at the Benton County Retirement Village.
Fowler Rotary Shares Christmas Dinner with Retirement Village Residents
On Wednesday, November 13, our guest speaker was Jean Glotzbach, the administrator of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program at the Benton County Public Library in Fowler. This fantastic reading program is open to any child from newborn to age 5, who resides in Benton County or in the Benton Community School district. Every child who is registered into the program will receive a new book every month, mailed directly to them. There is no cost to the family to sign up their child to be a part of this wonderful program. The program in Benton County has been in place since July 4, 2007. This program has reached over 530 kids in our county the past 6+ years, and currently serves 252 kids throughout the area, with plenty of room to grow.
The Fowler Rotary Club is proud to be an annual supporter of this reading program for young children. Pictured below is Fowler Rotary Club President Michele Brouillette presenting a check to Jean Glotzbach to continue that support in 2013. To find out more about this reading program for young kids newborn to age 5, and to register them as participants in the program, please contact the Benton County Public Library at (765) 884-1720. Many thanks to Jean Glotzbach for her dedication to the success of this program, and thanks to Sandy Furr for inviting Jean to be our guest speaker.
Fowler Rotary Continues their Support of The Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Benton County
It was an honor for Fowler Rotary to present a memorial Paul Harris Fellow recognition in memory of Jewell T. Daily, a past President of the Fowler Rotary Club (1961-62), to his spouse Barbara Daily and their son Rotarian Scott Daily, a member of the Jackson Hole Rotary Supper Club, in Jackson Hole, WY. Our Club Foundation Chair Steve Sorenson made the certificate presentation to Barbara and Scott, and thanked them for their continued support of The Rotary Foundation. Barbara informed us that all of the Daily family members are Paul Harris Fellows. It is indeed an honor for Fowler Rotary to include the name of Jewell T. Daily to our list of Paul Harris Fellow recognition recipients.
On October 23rd, we had a great turnout for our Fowler Rotary new membership drive. Our thanks go out to all of our guests and visitors from throughout the area, who took the time to join us for lunch and hear our guest speaker Purdue University Head Football Coach Darrell Hazell. Our thanks go out to Coach Hazell for taking the time out of his busy schedule to share his vision for the future of the Purdue Football program, on his first trip to Benton County. Boiler Up! We had over 35 guests with us today at our meeting. Many thanks to all of our current members for issuing these invitations for our guests to attend today's meeting.
If you have an interest in joining our world renown service organization, where we emphasize our motto "Service Above Self", then we invite you to visit us on Wednesday's at our regular meeting location at the Benton County Annex Building in Fowler. Contact any Rotarian for additional information about how you can be a part of the world's greatest service organization.
Purdue University Head Football Coach Darrell Hazell Visits Fowler Rotary
Last Saturday night, October 19th, Fowler Rotarians, partners and guests, gathered at Green Acres farm in southern Benton County to share some great Rotary fun, fellowship, and of course, some good food. Many thanks to Dave & Gayle Guthridge for providing their facilities, as well as chili, hotdogs and more, that were cooked over an open wood fire. Other Rotarians provided a carry-in dish of goodies and refreshments. It turned out to be a great evening around the campfire, with a full moon, a combine harvesting corn nearby, and just a few stories being told. Most of the stories you could believe. But, there are always a few where you just shake your head and wonder. Thanks to everyone who took the time to come out and join us. Looking forward to doing this again in the future.
Fowler Rotarians Gather to Celebrate the Fall Season
3.Ask club members to use Social media to advocate the importance of Polio Eradication: See the World Polio Day toolkitfor graphics and post ideas for Facebook and Twitter.
4.Ask every member to wear "End Polio Now” pins, or do a "Purple Pinkie” event or simply wear Purple on World Polio Day, Thursday, October 24th. A very simple thing to do.
Attendance at this seminar is required for any club seeking to apply for a Rotary Foundation Global Grant. It is also highly recommended for any club wishing to apply for a District Grant. Attendees will learn what types of projects qualify for grant funds, how to make projects sustainable beyond the initial grant, and the financial requirements of administering a grant. Learn about finding good overseas partners and the pitfalls of doing projects in another part of the world. Hear firsthand from grant makers and grantees how to structure a project for success. You will also learn about project priorities and new requirements for District Grants. We will also devote a portion of the program to increasing your knowledge of the Rotary Foundation and how it works.
This important seminar will be held onSaturday, November 16, 2013, from 9 am to 12 pmat Christo’s Banquet Center, 830 Lincolnway East, in Plymouth, IN.(This location is not Christo’s Restaurant). Contact Mike Crabill at (574) 229-0910 for more information. Registration is required, and can be completed on the district website. First, you must login to the district website ( with your ClubRunner login and password, then click on the event (District Foundation Annual Grant Seminar) located within the District Events column on the right side of the homepage. The registration deadline is November 9th. We look forward to seeing you there.
District 6540 Foundation Grants Management Seminar - Coming Up on Saturday, November 16th
Today, we were honored to have our Rotary District Governor Christina Dougherty, as our guest speaker, making her official visit to the Fowler Rotary Club. This was her 45th club visit so far this Rotary year, out of 55 clubs in the district. DG Christina was welcomed with a standing ovation, then she had some exciting and challenging things to share with our members about where we are in Rotary today, and about our future tomorrow.
Growing membership in our organization, especially across North America is a priority. Therefore, we need to get out the good word, about the great work that Rotary does, not only in our local communities, but around the world. The opportunity of networking with local business and professional leaders in our communities is important for any member of Rotary. However, the opportunity for members to provide "hands on" service to others, along with building continued friendships here at home and around the world, is the key component to any successful membership in any organization, especially Rotary.
Thank you DG Christina for the fine work that you are doing while serving all of us in Rotary District 6540. By the way, she also complemented us on the great meal that was prepared today, including the traditional Governor's cake that we served for our dessert.
It was also great to have our Assistant Governor Missy Houghtaling from Boswell, join us at our lunch meeting, as well as our visiting Rotarian Scott Daily, from Jackson Hole, WY. We hope that all of you will visit us again in the future.
District Governor Christina Dougherty Makes Her Official Visit to Fowler Rotary
Fowler Rotary will be hosting a new membership drive on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at our regular meeting location at the Benton County Annex Building on South Adeway Road in Fowler, IN, from 12 - 1 pm (EDT). Our guest speaker for the event will be Purdue University Head Football Coach Darrell Hazell. This meeting is open to those who have an interest in looking at Rotary membership as a possibility. Lunch will be provided. Join us in welcoming Coach Hazell on his visit to the Fowler community. We look forward to seeing you there. Boiler Up!
Fowler Rotary to Host a New Membership Drive with Guest Speaker Darrell Hazell
Fowler Rotary is pleased to announce that on Wednesday evening, September 11, 2013, we will be hosting our "50thAnnual" Fowler Rotary Hamburger Supper in the Park, from 5 - 7 pm EDT.
Join us at the Fowler Town Park Shelter House for Quarter Pound Hamburgers (before cooking), chips, baked beans, fresh tomato's, dessert & drink. Tickets for adults are just $7.00 each (2 hamburgers) and children under 12 (1 hamburger) are just $5.00 each. Carry-outs will be available. See any Fowler Rotarian to purchase your tickets in advance. Tickets will also be available at the door. Proceeds from this event will help support club & community projects.
Come spend the evening in the beautiful Fowler Town Park, with your family, friends and neighbors, and join us for delicious hamburgers with all of the extras. We look forward to seeing you there!
If you are interested in attend this special event, please go to the Rotary District 6540 website at to complete the online registration process. We look forward to seeing you there!
Plan Now to Attend the 2013 Rotary District 6540 Foundation Dinner in South Bend - October 4, 2013
Attention all Rotarians and friends of Rotary in District 6540. For your convenience, online registration is available to sign up to attend the 2013 Rotary District Conference Celebrationto be held at the Radisson Star Plaza in Merrillville, IN, April 26 & 27. For additional information about the District Conference celebration, click (here) to review the upcoming events, breakout session topics, guest speakers and much more. You can also go to the District Events column on the right side of this homepage, then click on the 2013 District Conference Celebration. Then go to the bottom of the map page to click and enter the registration process.
Get energized, inspired and motivated - come to the 2013 District Conference Celebration!
On Friday, April 26th and Saturday, April 27th, we will be presenting keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and a variety of related activities to help get your Rotary club revitalized and growing.
Topics such as: "Understanding and Managing Generations in the Workplace"; "The Four Horsemen, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn"; "Our Members are Our Customers"; Servant Leadership: Living the Life". These are all valuable tools not only for Rotary clubs, but for the workplace and for anysituation that involves people.
Breakout sessions will extend these topics allowing for interactive activities.
Plenary (General) Sessions will include a delicious meal and two hours of continued activity with speakers, videos, music, awards, and more.
House of Friendship will be an area for your club to “Tell its Rotary Story in Pictures.” Contact Bill Deibel at to reserve your club display table, as soon as possible.
Conference Literacy Project is for attendees to bring a 12” stuffed animal (reading buddy), along with your favorite children’s book for children ages 6 - 8.
National Awards will be there so you can purchase Rotary apparel and items.
ClubRunner will have a representative present to answer your questions and offer ideas to assist your club and membership.
Registration provides many options to give you an opportunity to participate: 1.) The complete conference celebration – all Friday and all Saturday sessions; 2.) Only Friday sessions or Saturday sessions; 3.) Four ala cartechoices - each including a General Session, Meal & Breakouts.
Register online at: The deadline for all registrations is Tuesday, April 23rd, at 6:00 PM (EDT). Walk-ins willnot be accepted, so please register in advance.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2013 Rotary District 6540 Conference Celebration!
Register to Attend The Rotary District Conference Celebration by Tuesday, April 23rd
The 2012 General Election Day across this great nation is Tuesday, November 6th. The polls are open from 6 am - 6 pm local time, here in the great State of Indiana. We encourage everyone to take the opportunity to cast their ballot for the national, state, county and local town elections. There are locations throughout the county, depending on where you reside, to cast your vote.
In the Fowler area, Center Township precincts, the polling location will be at the Benton County Annex Building, located at 410 S. Adeway Road in Fowler. For residents outside the Fowler area, please check the local Benton Review newspaper, for locations where you live, or contact the Benton County Clerk's office at (765) 884-0930 for additional information. All registered voters of Benton County are eligible to vote.
Many have fought and died to give us this right that we have. It is up to us to take just a little time out of the day, to preserve that right, and to have a voice in who our national, state and local leaders should be. Please take the opportunity to vote for the candidates of your choice on Tuesday, November 6th. GO VOTE!!!
General Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th - GO VOTE!
Several great activities will be taking place on Saturday, September 29th in beautiful downtown Fowler, from 9 am to 4 pm. Some of those activities include a Harvest Hustle 5K Run/ Walk; a harvest breakfast; several arts and crafts booths will be displaying and offering their creations at great prices; entertainment with lots of great local talent to entertain throughout the day; a Chili and Soup Cook-off; a Cooking Show; a book sale sponsored by the Benton County Library; a Ham & Bean lunch; famous soups; motorcycle show; kids games throughout the day; a calk walk; a bake sale & root beer floats and much more.
Did we forget to mention that Porkburgers and Brats and ice cold Coke products will be served by the Fowler Rotary Club throughout the day?
Now folks, if this is not enough reason to spend the day in Fowler, we don't know what it will take. This is an event that you just can't miss! Come spend the day with us in Fowler on Saturday, September 29th. See you there!
6th Annual Fowler Harvest Festival Saturday, September 29th
Our special friends and fellow Rotarians at the Boswell Rotary Club will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary in Rotary, this Saturday evening, June 9th, at 6:00 pm, at the Boswell Elementary School. Everyone is invited to help celebrate this special event in the Boswell community.
Boswell Rotary was chartered back on January 9, 1962. The Fowler Rotary Club is the proud sponsor of the Boswell club. Our Club President at that time was Jewell T. Daily, who was very instrumental in this process during his Rotary year.
Congratulations to our fellow Rotarians at Boswell Rotary on this special occasion. We look forward to seeing you in "The Hub of the Universe" for a great evening of good food, fun and Rotary fellowship.
Boswell Rotary to Celebrate 50th Anniversary - this Saturday, June 9th
On Friday morning, May 11th, the three Benton County Rotary Clubs (Boswell, Fowler & Otterbein) held an Outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Program for all 9th and 10th graders at Benton Central. There were approximately 60 students in attendance for the session. Assistant Governor Coordinator, Steve Sorenson kicked off the presentation with a brief introduction to Rotary. Our current Inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student, Tuuli Vidgren, a student at Benton Central, then talked about her experience in becoming a Rotary Youth Exchange student. Rotarian Mike Richardson, our District 6540 Outbound Youth Exchange Coordinator from Logansport, gave a short presentation on the program in some greater detail. Mike also had two exchange students speak at this session. Victoria was an Outbound student from last year who lived in Italy, and the other student was a current Inbound student Megane from France, who is residing in Logansport at this time.
We were honored to have the support of Rotary District 6540 and DG Mike Crabill for this special first time presentation that we are aware of. Boswell Rotary was represented at this session by Missy Houghtaling and Linda Gibson. Fowler Rotary was represented by Jack Duncan and Steve Sorenson. Jack has agreed to also serve as our multi club Outbound coordinator, in addition to his Inbound position. Preliminary applications were distributed to all the students in attendance, with instructions to return them to their local Rotary club or to Jack Duncan.
Outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Presentation held at Benton Central HS
The District conference will be held Friday, June 1st and Saturday June 2nd, at the Blue Chip Resort & Spa, in Michigan City, IN. If you are interested in attending this special event celebration, please let Club Secretary Steve know. He has meal order forms, and information about overnight lodging. Remember there is no registration fee to attend. So you can attend as many sessions as you like, at no charge. Let's see if we can get enough to carpool up for either day, or the entire weekend. You will be glad that you did!
By the way, if you are a golfer, you can sign up to play 18 holes on Saturday, after the conference concludes. It sounds like a weekend full of fun and Rotary fellowship!
Rotary District Conference - June 1 & 2 in Michigan City, IN
The Quad City meeting will be hosted by our friends and fellow Rotarians at Otterbein Rotary. This annual event will be held at the new United Methodist Church in Otterbein, on Thursday evening, April 12th, starting at 7:00 pm. The cost is $18 per person, with menu of Roast Beef &/or Chicken Breast, served buffet style. There will be a social time beginning at 6:30 pm, just prior to meeting.
The speaker for the evening will be author W. C. Madden discussing his recent book “Tecumseh’s Curse”. Mr. Madden has written several books about local history, Indiana baseball, the College Baseball World Series, and the professional Woman’s Baseball league. Mr. Madden is a fellow Rotarian with the Monticello Rotary Club.
This should be a great evening of Rotary fellowship and fun, with our fellow Rotarians from Attica-Williamsport, Boswell, Fowler and our host Otterbein.
All Fowler Rotary members are invited to join the Attica-Williamsport Rotary Club on Sunday afternoon, April 29th for their 75th Anniversary celebration at the Beef House Banquet room. The Attica-Williamsport Rotary Club was chartered in 1937 by Paul Harris, and was sponsored by the Lafayette Rotary Club. The cost to attend this special event is $30.00 per person. Business attire is requested.
Appetizers/social time will begin at 3:00 pm (EDT), with dinner beginning at 4:00 pm (EDT). There will be a cash bar available. The guest speaker will be Mr. Robert A. Stuart, Jr, the 1985 - 1986 District Governor for District 6560, and a past Rotary International Director in 2005 - 2007.
We will be taking a final head count for reservations to attend this special event on Wednesday, April 18th. We must RSVP by April 24th, if you plan to attend. Please respond to Club Secretary Steve's email that was sent out, or at our regular Rotary meeting on Wednesday, April 18th.
Attica-Williamsport Rotary Celebrating their 75th Anniversary
The local area Rotary President Elects were in attendance at the Great Lakes PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) in Kalamazoo, MI, March 15th - 17th, 2012. PE Linda Bennett from the Fowler club, PE Treeva Sarles from the Otterbein club, and PE Rick Neher from the Boswell club were all in attendance for the required training. Our Assistant Governor Steve Sorenson was also in attendance. Other PE's from throughout District 6540 were also attending the multi District event. District from Indiana, Michigan and Canada were represented. RI President Elect Sakuji Tanaka was present and spoke to the attendees, along with Past RI President Rick King. We look forward to hearing about the event in the near future, as each President Elect prepares for the upcoming Rotary year, beginning July 1, 2012.
The Boswell Rotary Club will be hosting the Food Finders Mobile Pantry Food Give Away Day on Wednesday, March 14, 2012. The event is sponsored by Ceres Solutions and Land O' Lakes.
The event will take place at Boswell Free Methodist Church at 402 S. Old Highway 41 in Boswell starting at 5:30 pm, until the food runs out. Income guidelines are on posters available throughout Boswell. Recipients are asked to bring a laundry basket or box to carry food home. Possible items that will be distributed include frozen meat, baked goods, beverages, vegetables, snacks and cereal.
Volunteers are needed, and can arrive from 4:30 pm on, or until the food runs out (about 7:30 pm is expected). Volunteers will be needed to help restock tables and help take food to recipient's vehicles.
This will be a great opportunity to help our fellow Rotarians in Boswell, with a great community project to assist those in need. We can make plans to travel down there at our regular meeting this coming Wednesday at 12 noon.
Boswell Rotary / Food Finders Food Bank Mobile Pantry - March 14th
On March 4, I spoke with Rotary District Governor Paul Stanley who heads the southernmost 1/3 of Indiana for District 6580. I inquired as to what the Rotarians from our district could do to help. He responded that there are sufficient resources available right now that additional efforts are not required. He has been in close contact with the major relief agencies. The Rotary clubs of D6580 want to work on a project that we can all join in to accomplish. He asked that we be patient until they complete their planning. If your club wishes to take on an assistance project I do not wish to discourage you. I just want you to know that the Rotary clubs of Southern Indiana will be asking for our help down the road. FYI. We did not have any Rotary clubs in the most affected communities, but they were just a few miles down the road.
We appreciate knowing that we as fellow Rotarians in the great Hoosier State, are looking into ways to assist our fellow Hoosiers in a time of real need. We look forward to finding out more about the project in the near future.
Once again, it’s time to “spring into action” and make your student selections for the 26th annual RYLA Camp for District 6540!! We have planned another terrific weekend for those high school students planning to attend, April 20 - 22, 2012, at Camp Tecumseh, near Brookston, IN.
Please take the opportunity to talk to your club members for suggestions of students to sponsor, and then take the opportunity to explain the camp activities to those students being considered. Please be sure that the students understand that the leadership camp includes physical, as well as mental challenges, and lots of outdoor activities, that the students must (and will want to) attend the entire camp.
Please select your student award recipients prior to February 28, 2012 and send their applications and health forms, along with the $200 per application request to Jack Cross, RYLA Chair by March 1, 2012. It is important to remember that we can only accept the first 120 student applications, on a first come, first serve basis! Therefore, if you do not send your applications and payment in on time, prior to the deadline above, you may lose your advance reservations.
We are counting on your club to participate in order to make this camp the best that it can be. What a great way to invest in the future!
Rotary District 6540 RYLA Camp is Just Around the Corner - April 20 - 22
It was great to see the area Rotary President Elects at the Pre-PETS session held in Monticello, IN on Thursday evening, February 9th. PE Linda Bennett from the Fowler club and PE Rick Neher from the Boswell club were in attendance, as well as President Nominee Mary Ellen Perry from the Boswell club. Our Assistant Governor Steve Sorenson was also in attendance, and represented PE Treeva Sarles from the Otterbein club. Other PE's from Delphi, Logansport and Peru Rotary clubs were in attendance, as well as a new AG to the area north of us, John Frische from the Kentland club.
Many thanks to DGE Judy Walker, DG Mike Crabill and Administrative Assistant Barb Mort for doing a fine job with the training preparation, for all of these fine Rotarians who are planning to attend the Great Lakes PETS training in Kalamazoo, MI next month.
The Fowler Rotary Club is very grateful for the continued support that we receive from individuals like you. Once again, we had a successful fundraiser hosting our 30th Annual Fourth of July "All You Can Eat" Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, July 3rd, at the Fowler Town Park. The proceeds from this event will assist in supporting various community projects. But this would not be possible without your continued support of our fine organization. So once again, we say "Thank You".
On this day
in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental
Congress, starting the 13 colonies on the road to freedom as a sovereign
nation. As always, this most American of holidays will be marked
by parades, fireworks and backyard barbecues across the country.
The Fowler Rotary Club will be hosting the 30th Annual "All You Can Eat" Pancake Breakfast at the Fowler Town Park Shelter House, on Sunday morning, July 3rd, from 7 am - 12 noon EDT.
The breakfast will include: "All You Can Eat Pancakes", Two Sausage patties, with Coffee, Juice or Milk to drink. You get all of this for just $5.00 for adults. A child will receive Pancakes, one sausage patty, juice or milk for just $3.00.
Proceeds from the event will help support various community projects that the Fowler Rotary Club supports throughout the year.
We encourage the entire Benton County community to come join us for a beautiful morning in the park, before or after church services. Visit with family, friends, neighbors and relatives, and enjoy the day at the Fowler Fourth of July weekend. See you at the Fowler Town Park for breakfast on Sunday morning, July 3rd!
30th Annual Rotary Pancake Breakfast - Sunday, July 3rd
The Benton County Fallen Officer Blood Drive will be held from 5 - 7 pm, Thursday evening, June 16th, at the Fowler - Center Township Fire Department, at 107 N. Washington Avenue. Drop ins are always welcome.
Please donate blood in honor of those who have died in the line of duty. Each blood donation will help save the lives of up to three Indiana patients recovering from illness, injury or accident.
Do your duty, and stop by to give blood on Thursday evening, June 16th. You will be glad that you did.
Benton County Fallen Officer Blood Drive - June 16th
The Fowler Rotary Club assisted with the grilling of hamburgers and hotdogs, while serving the choice of sandwhiches at the grand re-opening of the new Moses Fowler Swimming Pool that was held on Saturday, May 28th. At the invitation of the Fowler Town Council and the Fowler Park Board, Fowler Rotarians once again put our motto "Service Above Self" to assist in this special day for our community.
It was great to see everyone in Benton County and the surrounding area stop by and see the smiles on the youth who were in attendance to use the pool on this special day that we had all been waiting for.
Fowler Rotarians Assist with Moses Fowler Swimming Pool Grand Re-Opening
The annual Benton County Relay for Life event is scheduled to be held on Friday evening, June 10 beginning at 7 pm, and run all night through Saturday morning June11, at 7 am, at the Benton Central High School track. The number of team members have increased and their are currently 15 teams signed up to participate.
Fowler Rotarian Dan McKay with will be the Media Sponsor and also serve as master of ceremonies for this years 2011 Benton County Relay for Life.
On Saturday, May 14, 2011, Campbell Soup Company will again join
forces with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) to Stamp Out Hunger across America, providing assistance to the millions of Americans who are struggling to put food on their tables every day.
Now in its 19th year nationally, the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, which is
always held on the second Saturday in May, has become the nation’s
largest single-day food drive. In 2010, drive organizers representing
nearly 1,500 U.S. Post Office branches across the country, collected a
record-setting total of 77.1 million pounds of food donations. This
pushed the historical total for the drive to more than one billion
pounds of food.
To participate in the Stamp Out Hunger drive here in Fowler, citizens are
encouraged to leave a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods, such
as canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, rice or cereal next to their
mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery on Saturday, May 14,
2011. The local letter carriers and volunteers will collect these food
donations as they deliver the mail and will take them to the local Benton County Food Pantry.
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive this Saturday, May 14th
* Free up space * Eliminate theft and security risks * Get rid of your old, outdated and useless files. This opportunity will be for paper documents only, absolutely no disks, film, etc. The cost is "Free" with a donation of canned, dried goods or monetary contribution, with the proceeds being donated to our local food pantry.
One ton of paper recycled saves approximately 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill and 7,000 gallons of water.
Bring your paper documents to the Fowler State Bank, main bank parking lot in Fowler, between 10 am to 12 noon, on Saturday morning, May 14th.
This opportunity is being sponsored by the Fowler State Bank. The shredding is being done by Cintas Document Management.
But, in 2005, a California Rotarian founded the Myanmar Orphanages Safe
Water Management Project. Rotary districts 3360, 5230, 6580, and 6740
have each provided support. The project system consists of a compressor
and pump placed atop a required proven, existing tube well at any given
orphanage site, providing simple access to water for three vital
applications: food preparation and drinking, personal bathing and
laundry, and sustainable crop irrigation. To date, 18 systems have been
completed, and 14 more are in the pipeline – the latter due to five
Special Initiative Grants by The Rotary Foundation.
The Fowler Rotary Club will be the host club this year for the annual Quad-City Rotary Meeting on Wednesday evening, May 18th
at 6:30 pm in Fowler. The location will be at the new Benton County Annex Building on South Adeway Road in Fowler, IN.
is our annual gathering of Rotarians from Attica-Williamsport, Boswell,
Fowler and Otterbein. As you will recall, last year the event was
hosted by the Boswell Rotary Club in Delphi, IN at Canal
Our guest speaker for this years event will be PDG
Jim Jeselnick, a member of the Chesterton-Porter Rotary Club in District
6540. PDG Jim will make his presentation on his own experience of
growing up as a child with polio. As we enter, what all Rotarians hope
will be the final year of the Polio
Eradication campaign, we thought his presentation would be
appropriate to make the final push to reach our goal as Rotarians in our
area and around the world.
We encourage all Rotarians to join us for this special event.
The next meeting of the Area Rotary Leadership Council will be held on Wednesday evening, May 11, 2011 at the Free Methodist Church in Boswell, IN at 6:30 pm. All Club Presidents, President-Elects and President Nominees from the Boswell, Fowler and Otterbein clubs are encouraged to attend this quarterly meeting to review our progress on various Rotary projects and events, while sharing ideas for membership recruitment, discussion regarding our incoming Rotary Youth Exchange student and much more.
Club President Jack Duncan and fellow Rotarian Dave
Guthridge represented our club at the presentation of two Eagle Scout
awards on Monday night, March 28th at the Fowler United Methodist
Church. The two new Eagle Scouts are Cody Tormoehlen, son of Roger and Karen Tormoehlen, and William Nichols,
son of Melvin and Jaylene Nichols. Congratulations to both of these
fine young men on their tremendous accomplishment and for receiving this
distinguished honor.
The Fowler Rotary Club is proud to be the sponsoring organization of the local Boy Scout Troop #301.
Boy Scout Troop #301 Recognizes Two New Eagle Scouts
Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith will make an official visit to District 6540 on Wednesday evening, April 27, at the Century Center in South Bend, IN, beginning with cocktails at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm EDT. The cost to attend is $32.50 per person, which includes the meal. Any members or guest who would like to attend, should sign-up immediately with Club President Jack Duncan.
This is a great opportunity to personally meet our international president and hear directly from him on the many projects of Rotary, and especially the progress with Polio Eradication around the world. This is an opportunity you will not want to pass up.
RI President Ray Klinginsmith to Make Official Visit to District 6540
The Benton Community Foundation will be hosting its annual "Helping Hands" Award presentation to recognize various recipients in the Benton County area for their volunteer service in our community. The event will be held at Prairie Crossing Elementary School on Tuesday, April 19th, 2011, with dinner at 6:30 pm, and the program beginning at 7:00 pm. Congratulations to all of the award recipients!
The District 6540 Conference will be held on April 29th
& 30th. Remember, there is no registration fee to attend the
We hope that several members from our club will be able to attend this
celebration of yet another successful Rotary year in our district. You
can also have some great family fun and Rotary fellowship. "Make a Splash with Rotary" during this family, fun event in Shipshewana, IN, April 29 & 30. Check out the district website at for more information. If you are interested in attending, see Club Pres. Jack or Club Secretary Steve for additional details.
Rotarians around the world are celebrating Rotary's 106th anniversary
with a variety of activities drawing attention to the progress that has
been made to eradicate polio and the need to finish the job.
Representatives of Rotary International and Sanofi Pasteur, a leading
provider of polio vaccine, helped ring the opening bell in four European
financial markets, in Lisbon, Portugal; Amsterdam; Brussels; and Paris.
On the evening of Wednesday, February 23rd, the exterior of the New York Stock exchange building was
illuminated with Rotary's End Polio Now message, joining other global
landmarks in a dramatic visual public awareness campaign to build
support for polio eradication.
is a series of fast paced, interactive, one‐day courses offered to
refine a Rotarian' leadership skills and increase their base of
knowledge in Rotary. It is a program that originated at the grass roots
level some 18 years ago and is now serving 109 different countries and
approximately 250 districts all over the world.
RLI is not a
replacement for President‐Elect Training, or District level club officer
or Assistant Governor training. The purpose of RLI is to develop an
ongoing stream of Rotarians who have the skills to help their local
clubs succeed in achieving strategic goals and running good projects.
Fowler Rotarians Paul Minix and Steve Sorenson are planning to attend, along with Missy Houghtaling and Rick Neher from the Boswell Rotary Club, along with several other Rotarians from throughout District 6540. This will be the first RLI session ever held in District 6540 on Saturday, January 29 in Mishawaka, IN.
Rotary Leadership Institute Comes to District 6540
At the January 24th meeting of the Fowler Town Council, the Fowler Rotary Club made a check presentation to the Town of Fowler to support the swimming pool renovation that was completed during 2010. Thanks to the fantastic community support that Rotary has received, we were honored to make this presentation. Pictured is Club President Jack Duncan making the check presentation in the amount of $1,452.16 to Town Council President and Rotarian Linda Brouillette. Other Rotarians in attendance for the presentation were Bill Silver, Steve Sorenson and Wayne Stillabower.
The Fowler Rotary Club has always been a supporter of the Fowler community, and especially the community swimming pool since it was first built. In fact the first annual Fowler Rotary Hamburger Supper was held back in 1963, with all of the proceeds going to support the original construction of the new pool at that time. The second annual Rotary Hamburger Supper proceeds in 1964, also went to support this project. One of the biggest supporters of the original swimming pool project at that time was Fowler residents Drewy and Helen Kasebaum. Without their financial support, the pool would not exist.
The Fowler Rotarians are excited to continue their fine support today, as they have over the years. We are excited to see the grand re-opening of the new pool in the summer of 2011, and especially the smiling faces of those using the pool.
Fowler Rotary Makes Contribution to Support Community Pool Renovation
By Susan Hanf, Rotary International News - November 16, 2010
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
It was established in 1957 to show appreciation for and encourage substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation's only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships.
That's right folks! Fowler Rotary is now on Facebook. An invitation was sent out to each Fowler Rotarian to join Facebook, if they were not already members, to then check on the Fowler Rotary Club Facebook page. You can set up a Facebook personal account on your computer, then search for Fowler Rotary Club. After you see the Rotary info available, we hope you will click on the Like us button at the top of the page. You will then receive our club and important district updates, as well as those from your friends that you decide to choose, on your own Facebook personal page to keep you up to date with great information available with this social networking opportunity.
You can also get in touch with your many friends, as well as other Rotary clubs and Rotarians from around the world. Our good friends at the Boswell Rotary, Otterbein Rotary and Kentland Rotary Clubs also have a Facebook page, as well as Rotary International and Rotary District 6540. Check them out today, and become a friend on Facebook!
Healthy clubs regularly ask themselves whether the benefits they offer match the expectations of their members. Is your club fun? Are members connecting, developing friendships, and finding rewarding service opportunities? At a recent training event for incoming leaders, Michael McQueen, a member of the Rotary Club of Crows Nest, New South Wales, Australia, spoke about why club leaders must be willing to try new things.
Do you want to strengthen your community and the world?
As a new member, you will connect with a diverse group of business and professional leaders who share your drive to give back. Over a meal or coffee, you’ll:
Discuss your community's needs and discover creative ways to meet them
Expand your leadership and professional skills
Catch up with good friends and meet new ones
Clubs accept new members by invitation so, to learn more, we recommend you first reach out to a club in your area. It's a good way to get to know us - it's a great way to get involved in your community.
Contact any Fowler Rotarian for additional information about joining our organization.
Welcome to the newly formed Interact Club at Benton Central High School. On Wednesday morning, October 15, 27 students started an Interact Club, with Mr. Dennis Massie as the teacher/sponsor at the school. Rotary District 6540 Interact Chair Martha Sandoval made the early morning trip to talk to the students present, then they were given the oath as charter members of the club, and then presented with their membership pins. District Governor Steve Sorenson, a member of the Fowler Rotary Club, was also present for this special occasion, to welcome them into the Rotary family of youth programs. Also present were Otterbein Club President Sid Payne, who has taken a lead role in this effort, as well Otterbein Rotarians Al Hefner and Wayne Buck.
The organizational meetings have been taking place the previous two - three weeks. The three Rotary clubs in Benton County are the sponsoring clubs. The Boswell, Fowler and Otterbein Rotary clubs are excited to see the students express an interest in participating. We look forward to working with these fine high school students, and seeing their numbers grow in membership in the future. Weekly meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 7:45 am, in the arts room, located next to the Auditorium. Rotarians are encouraged to stop by anytime and show their support of this great group of students. A charter presentation date will be established in the near future. Congratulations to the new Benton Central Interact Club!
The annual Rotary District 6540 Speech Contest will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2013, beginning at 12 noon CST, at the Chesterton High School located at 1065 N. 350 E. in Chesterton, IN 46304.
The contest features four (4) different speech competitions for high school contestants, with awards to be presented for each competition.
For additional details, click on the 2013 District Speech Contest Flyer, under the Downloads column on the left side of the Rotary District 6540 home page. For additional information or details about the contest, and to receive an entry form by email, please contact Robert Kelly by phone at (219) 929-8566 or by email at or Rex Richards by phone at (219) 462-1105 or by email at for additional information.
Applications for each entry is $50, to be paid by the sponsoring local Rotary Club of the contestant. Participant entry forms must be submitted to Robert Kelly by Monday, April 8, 2013, at Chesterton High School, 2125 S. 11th Street, Chesterton, IN 46304.
We are calling for all district Rotarians and spouses, including those of you from Fowler Rotary, who like to sing to perform in the District Singers for the 2013 District Conference, April 26 & 27, at the Star Plaza, Merrillville. We will be doing excerpts from Meredith Wilson’s “The Music Man”. Let DG Judy know if you are interested and can make the rehearsals. With only two rehearsals, it’s important that you attend both.
> Only two rehearsals – Saturday, March 9 and Saturday, April 13, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. EDT, at Lindenwood Conference Center on the grounds of Ancilla College, in Donaldson, IN > Dress rehearsal at the conference – April 26 > Music provided > Practice CD provided > Fun time guaranteed
Our own Professor Harold Hill (PDG Jim Jeselnick) already has been drumming up business! Please come join us!
During the holiday season, keep in mind that local media will be looking for stories of service, so be sure to share our holiday service projects with your local media outlets. Whether your club is collecting items, raising funds, or just spreading goodwill and cheer, make sure to get the word out.
Applications for 2013 Rotary District 6540 Summer Study Abroad Scholarships to be awarded are now available from the Rotary Clubs in the northern Indiana region.
The scholarships, which are designed to further international understanding and goodwill, provide for study abroad in more than 60 countries where Rotary clubs are located. TWO scholarships are available in the northern Indiana region.
Students are eligible to apply if they have completed at least two years of university or college course work.
During their studies abroad, Rotary District 6540 Scholars act as “ambassadors of goodwill.” Through appearances before Rotary clubs and districts, schools, civic organizations, and other forums, the scholars represent their homelands and work to further international understanding.
Each Rotary District Summer Study Abroad Scholarship is for one summer abroad, in the amount of up to a maximum of $7000 each, to meet towards the expenses for round-trip transportation, tuition and fees, room, board etc. payable directly to the US educational institution offering the study or program.
For more information and an application, please contact:
Dr. Ranjan Kini, School of Business & Economics, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Gary, IN 46408.
Phone: (219) 980-6906 or (219) 322-4313 or email: or
Applications can also be downloaded from the Rotary District 6540 Web Site, located on the left side of this home page under Download Pages.
All completed Applications are now due by the extended deadline, at the above address by February 8, 2013.
2013 Rotary District 6540 Summer Study Abroad Scholarship Applications Available
Mark your calendar now to attend the next Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) event, that will be hosted right here in District 6540 on Saturday, February 9, 2013. The training sessions will be held at Swan Lake Resort, 5203 Plymouth - LaPorte Trail, located just northwest of Plymouth, IN 46563. If you plan to spend the night on Friday or Saturday, contact Swan Lake Resort at (800) 582-7593 or (574) 935-3908 to make an overnight reservation. The room rate is $89.00 per night, plus tax.
The great news is that Sessions I, II & III will be offered, depending on which one you are ready to attend. It is important to remember that each session must be taken in order, before advancing to the next level. The cost will remain the same at $70 per person, which includes breakfast and lunch, plus all of the training materials for the session you are attending. The day will begin at 8:00 am EST with breakfast, with the breakout sessions beginning shortly thereafter.
Registration is now open. Please have all of the participants from your club register early at, then mail your check to RLI Treasurer Judy Garver at 2202 Forest Glen, West Bloomfield, MI 48324. For additional detailed information about this training event, please contact PDG Steve Van Scoik at, or call him at (574) 294-7612.
Please check out the other RLI opportunities as they become available, on the front page of our District 6540 website at for details.
Registration is Now Open for the Next Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) to be Hosted by District 6540 on February 9, 2013 -
There will be a Red Cross Blood Drive next Wednesday, December 12th, from 12 noon to 5:30 pm, at the United Methodist Church in Fowler, IN. The American Red Cross has a current motto, "This holiday season give something that means something -- give blood and help save lives." Because the holiday season brings added need for blood, the Fowler State Bank has donated $100 in Fowler Chamber of Commerce Bucks as an incentive to donate.
Each presenting donor will receive a number. the winning number will be drawn at 5:30 pm when the blood drive closes, and the winner will be immediately contacted. In addition, the Indiana-Ohio Red Cross region is conducting a region-wide weekly drawing for a $250 gas gift card. Your registration for that drawing will be automatic as you sign in as a donor.
The local donors seldom make appointments but simply drop-in at their convenience. Because it is anticipated a larger than average number of donors will be present, please call 1 (800) 733-2767 or go to"fowlerumc" to schedule a time. This will help insure there are sufficient staff sent to Fowler and may shorten your wait.
Fowler Rotarians will be registering individuals at the door for the $100 drawing between 3 pm to 5:30 pm.
Bring your family, friends and neighbors to spend the day in Fowler! It will be a great opportunity to shop for those special gifts and needs for the holiday season, and stop by the Sacred Heart Christmas Bazaar, enjoy the free movie "Elf" at the "Historic" Fowler Theatre, take a ride on the horse drawn carriage with the pick-up and drop-off point at the Fowler Theatre, then stop by and visit Santa at the Fire Station.
Wow! What a great way to spend the day with friendly people. We look forward to seeing you in Fowler on Saturday, December 1st beginning at 9 am.
Town of Fowler Christmas Stroll - Saturday, December 1
Have you thought about what your Rotary legacy will be?
The Permanent Fund builds long-term stability for the future of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International by providing an extra stream of income to meet an increasing demand for the Foundation's educational, humanitarian, and cultural programs. We invite you to invest in tomorrow by joining Rotarians around the world, and throughout District 6540 in their efforts to improve and enrich lives of people around the globe.
A Benefactor of The Rotary Foundation is anyone who informs The Rotary Foundation in writing that he or she has made a provision in his or her will or other estate plan, naming the Foundation's Permanent Fund as a beneficiary; or by making an outright gift of $1,000 or more to the Permanent Fund. Benefactor recognition consists of a certificate and insignia (Angel Wings) to be worn with a Rotary pin.
The Rotary Foundation also recognizes those couples or individuals who have made commitments in their estate plans totaling $10,000 or more, as a Bequest Society Member. Donors may elect to receive an engraved crystal recognition piece and a Diamond Circle pin commemorating the commitment.
This support goes above and beyond your current Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) annual contributions to The Rotary Foundation. It is a commitment to the future in your estate planning.
If you would like to receive a gift commitment card to complete, please contact any member of the Rotary District 6540 Foundation Committee or any member of the District Leadership Team. Your legacy will make a lasting difference in the world! Thank you for your consideration.
Saturday, November 24th will be a great opportunity to shop for those special gifts and holiday needs with our local small businesses in the Fowler community and the surrounding area. Encourage your friends, neighbors and relatives to shop local and show their support for our area merchants who live in our communities, pay local taxes, hire local workers, and most importantly they appreciate your business every day. Thank you for your continued support of our small business owners, who are here to serve your needs whenever possible.
The service of a veteran is an experience that stays with them the rest of their life. Both the good, with the closeness, respect and camaraderie that develop with your brothers and sisters in arms, and the bad. The horrors of war are well-documented and affect each individual soldier differently.
Most or our brave soldiers and sailors left as boys and girls, but when they returned home they were men and women. We salute the brave men and women, who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. "All gave some, some gave All". Thank you for protecting our freedoms that we enjoy today!
Just think of how much good one person can do by thanking a veteran today, tomorrow, and the next day. Every day is worthy of being Veterans Day. May God bless our veterans and our troops currently serving, and may God bless America!
Thank You to All of Our Veterans on this Veterans Day - 2013
Please join us for an evening of Rotary fellowship and fun at the 2012 Rotary District 6540 Foundation Dinner on Friday, September 28, 2012, at The Lerner Crystal Ballroom, located at 410 South Main Street in Elkhart, IN. The cost is $110 per person, which includes a $45 donation to The Rotary Foundation in your name. Business attire is recommended.
PDG Deepa Willingham, Rotary District 5240, who resides in Solvang, CA, will be our keynote speaker. A naturalized citizen of the United States, she was born and brought up in Calcutta, India where she obtained her primary secondary and undergraduate education, followed by graduate degrees in the U.S. Prior to her entrepreneurial endeavors in the energy sector, Governor Deepa served as the Administrative Director of Ancillary Services in the hospital industry.
As a Rotarian, PDG Deepa has participated in many local and international projects - building Pisos (cement floors) on Mexico; participating in NID trips to India; supporting girls' education in the Philippines; escorting US high school kids for humanitarian educational trips; chairing the District's Annual Poverty Conference in 2007 and 2008, and initiating District 5240's 5 - Point Poverty Eradication Plan. She was Past RI President Bill Boyd's selection to represent Rotary International at the 51st Commission on Status of Women at the UN in February of 2006; Past RI President D.K. Lee's selection to be the keynote speaker at the spouses' Plenary Session in 2008 & 2009 International Assemblies, she served as the Vice Chair of Operations for the 2008 LA International Convention and she was one of the keynote speakers at Rotary International's 100th year Convention in Birmingham. She has become one of the sought after speakers for the Rotary world and many universities.
Don't miss a special opportunity like this. This is the only District fundraising effort for our Rotary Foundation. There will also be a silent and live auction to raise money for The Rotary Foundation, and each club is asked to provide a quality auction item with a minimum value of $100 or donate a least that same amount in the form of a check to support our efforts.
All clubs who have at least 10% of their total club membership in attendance that evening, will be awarded $500 in a District Simplified Grant or $1,000 Matching Grant. An additional $500 in a DSG or an additional $1,000 in a Matching Grant will be awarded to the clubs with the greatest percentage of attendance based on club size. There will also be a limited time period to identify the type of grant by December 31, and one year to complete the project.
So, plan now to join us on Friday evening, September 28th, at the Lerner Crystal Ballroom in Elkhart, IN. The great Rotary fellowship that our District is known for begins at 5:30 pm EDT. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sign-up to Attend the District Rotary Foundation Dinner - Friday Evening, September 28th
With the first leg of my governor club visits behind me, I can truly say that we have amazing Rotarians in our district! It has been really inspiring to hear the Rotary story of each club. Every club has a personality and energy all its own, and every club is making a valuable difference in the community they serve. It is my hope that every club with share their Rotary story in pictures to be on display in the House of Friendship at our District Conference, April 26 & 27, in Merrillville.
I’ve enjoyed the many varieties of venues for club meetings and the warm hospitality that has been shown to me. Al Veldman of Roseland Rotary really put out the welcome banner for my visit! Leigh Morris of LaPorte Rotary wrote lyrics in honor of my visit to the tune of "Hello Dolly!" Auburn Rotary posed for a group board photo, and the mayor surprised AG Ana Bowman and me free with passes to the Duesenberg Automobile Museum. Gene Stutsman, song leader of Goshen Rotary, enthusiastically led members in a number of energetic Rotary songs enjoyed by all. I was very pleased with how many clubs sing at their meetings.
Membership was the overall concern of every club. I strongly suggest that every club has someone at the upcoming Membership Seminar on August 25th at Ancilla College in Donaldson. We’ve brought in a dynamic, innovative speaker, PDG Brent Rosenthal, who - I guarantee - will give you something new and beneficial to take back to your club on membership. Sign up now! This is a “don’t miss” seminar. It will be time well spent, and it will count towards the Governor’s Buzz Lightyear Beyond the Club Award. Opportunities don't get much better than this!
Speaking of the Buzz Lightyear Beyond the Club Award, this is a win-win challenge. Get your members to district events beyond the club so they can invigorate and improve your club. Be recognized with an award at the District Conference for your achievement.
Thank you to all the clubs who are donating either a silent auction item valued at $100 or writing a check for $100 to the Rotary Foundation in support of our upcoming Foundation Dinner on Friday, September 28th, at the Lerner Theater in Elkhart. Half of the money raised for the Annual Fund this year comes back to our district in three years to help our clubs. This is an important fundraiser, and a wonderful evening of Rotary fellowship. Plan to attend. Both the cuisine and ambiance will be exquisite.
That's right folks! It's time for the 31st Annual Fowler Rotary 4th of July Pancake Breakfast at the Fowler Town Park Main Shelter House, on Wednesday, July 4th, from 7 am to 12 noon. Stop by for Pancakes and Sausage fresh off the grill. Adult tickets are $5.00, and children under 12 are $3.00 each. Doesn't it just make your mouth water for "All You Can Eat Pancakes". Well we can take care of that.
Check out the other activities at the Fowler Town Park, after you eat breakfast with us. Proceeds from this fundraising event go toward several different club and community projects. Thanks in advance for your continued support of our efforts.
The date has been set for the "Farewell Gathering" for Tuuli Vidgren, our Rotary Youth Exchange student. The entire area leadership group from Boswell, Fowler & Otterbein, decided to have the event at the Fowler Town Park Shelter House on Monday evening, July 2nd at 6:30 pm.
The event will be a carry-in of your favorite vegetable, salad, or dessert dish, and a cook-out of hamburgers and hotdogs. The cost of the hamburgers and hotdogs, etc. will be divided by the three clubs. Fowler Rotarians will be drafted to cook them on the grill, and also prepare the lemonade for a cold drink.
This event is for the entire Rotary family, including her host families during her stay with us here in Benton County. This should be a really fun evening sharing good food, fun, fellowship, and I'm sure a story or two about the past year with Tuuli as our guest. Plan now to be there for a great evening of fun and fellowship!
Farewell Gathering for Our Rotary Youth Exchange Student
The Officer Installation "Steak-out" and "Changing of the Gavel" will be held on Tuesday evening, June 26th at 6:30 pm, at the Annex Building. A head count will be taken to order steaks. So be prepared to respond with your number of attendees. The rest of the food is a carry-in provided by our great members &/or spouses. Always a great evening to recognize those who serve Rotary in our community, and of course enjoy the great food and Rotary fellowship. You don't want to miss out on this one!
The 2012 COTS (Club Officer Training Seminar) will take place this Saturday, June 23rd, at Valparaiso University, Herre Union building, located at 1509 Chapel, on the university campus. The training session will begin with registration and a continental breakfast at 9:30 am, and the seminar will begin at 10 am EST.
This session is for all club officers and directors who would like to increase their knowledge on ClubRunner reporting and RI reporting, etc. This sounds like a car pool Rotary road trip from Benton County.
If you have any questions regarding this training session, please contact your Club President, Club Secretary, or the District 6540 office.
COTS (Club Officer Training Seminar), Saturday, June 23rd
The 3rd Annual Fowler Rotary Lasagna Dinner, will be held tonight, Wednesday evening, May 16th, at the Benton County Annex Building, located at 410 S. Adeway Road, in Fowler. Rotarians will be serving from 5 - 7 pm, dine-in or carry-outs available. Ticket prices are the same as last year $6.75 per person.
So, stop by and enjoy baked lasagna, tossed salad, garlic toast, dessert, and drink. Invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers, to join us for a great evening of fun, fellowship and great food. See you there!
Fowler Rotary Lasagna Dinner - Tonight, Wednesday, May 16th
Great news to report! Another Fowler Rotarian has purchased a 2012 Indiana Rotary License Plate. Congratulations to Aggie DeBruicker for applying for an Indiana Rotary License Plate, to show her support and pride in being a Rotarian in our great state, and especially in our community.
Aggie joins the ranks of other Fowler Rotarians like Dan McKay Porat, Linda Bennett, Jack Duncan, Steve Sorenson, and former Rotarian Tina Sue Martin to purchase one of the Rotary specialty plates. Together they represent about 20% of our membership. Therefore, we have plenty of room to grow that number of plates. There are other Rotarians in Benton County, representing Boswell Rotary with the Indiana Rotary plates as well, on their vehicles.
It is a very simple process to apply at your local BMV branch office, or go directly online through the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles to apply. The best news is, that our club receives a donation back from each Rotary specialty plate purchased by Fowler Rotarians every year, to help with various community projects. Show your pride in being a Rotarian, and show your support by signing up to get your Indiana Rotary License Plate today!
Another Fowler Rotarian with an Indiana Rotary License Plate
The Fowler Rotary Tree Project located along State Road 18 E. and South East Street is complete. The work began on Thursday afternoon, April 19 with the planting of 14 of the 20 trees along St. Road 18. Then on Friday, April 20, the remaining 6 trees were planted, as well as 20 Arborvitae shrubs planted along S. East Street, between E. Lingle Street and St. Road 18 E. There were four different varieties of trees planted in the tree section. The trees have all been staked and mulch placed around the base of the trees.
This Rotary community project is possible, thanks to receiving a District Simplified Grant from Rotary District 6540 in the amount of $1,500. This Rotary grant was made possible thanks to the generous support of The Rotary Foundation, by Fowler Rotarians.
The committee chair Rotarian Jack Duncan, put in quite a bit of time securing approval for this project with state and local government agencies. We also need to thank Robbie Lockhart, owner of Branching Out Nursery, located in West Lafayette, on Klondike Road and US 52, for working with us to come up with some of the best trees, for the best price. We encourage everyone to drive by the area and check out the new additions.
Club Presidents Linda Bennett (L) from the Fowler club and Treeva Sarles (R) from the Otterbein club meet Rotary International President Elect Sakuji Tanaka (C) at the Great Lakes Rotary PETS in Kalamazoo, MI on Friday, March 16th. All three of these fine Rotarians will be serving their Rotary clubs during 2012 - 2013. Club President Rick Neher from the Boswell club was unavailable for the picture. Best wishes and good luck to all of these fine Rotarians during their special Rotary year which just began.
Fowler & Otterbein Club Presidents Meet RI President Elect Tanaka
The Fowler Rotary "Family Sock Hop" fundraiser is coming up this Saturday, February 25th, from 6 - 10 pm ET, at the Benton County Annex Building, located at 410 S. Adeway Road in Fowler, IN. There will be dancing throughout the evening to some great music from the 50's, 60's, 70's & 80's. The cost of admission for the entire evening is just $9.95 per family (4 or more), or $2.95 per person. There will also be some food available, like walking tacos, soft tacos, hotdogs & ice cold Coke products that will be sold separately, at reasonable prices, throughout the evening.
What would a Sock Hop be without a great DJ? Well, we are very fortunate to have a very special DJ, Dan McKay,joining us toplay the greatest hits of all time. Dan is well known throughout the entire mid north Indiana / Illinois area.
Proceeds from this event will help support community and club projects, like the Benton Community Foundation / Food Finders Back Pack food program at Prairie Crossing and Boswell Elementary Schools, along with Benton Central Jr. & Sr. High School, and many other great causes throughout our Benton County community. Get out your dancing shoes, (poodle skirts for the ladies are optional attire), and join us for a great evening of family fun and entertainment. So make plans now to attend. Bring the whole family, and "dance the night away".
Fowler Rotary Family Sock Hop - TONIGHT, Saturday, February 25th
By Megan Ferringer and Arnold R. Grahl - Rotary International News
RI President-elect Sakuji Tanaka will ask Rotarians to build Peace Through Service in 2012-13.
Tanaka unveiled the RI theme during the opening plenary session of the 2012 International Assembly, a training event for incoming Rotary district governors.
"Peace, in all of the ways that we can understand it, is a real goal and a realistic goal for Rotary," he said. "Peace is not something that can only be achieved through agreements, by governments, or through heroic struggles. It is something that we can find and that we can achieve, every day and in many simple ways."
Peace has different meanings for different people, Tanaka said.
Our good friends and fellow Rotarians at the Boswell Rotary Club will be hosting their annual Chili/Soup Cook-Off on Sunday, March 10th, from 11 am to 1 pm, at the Boswell Community Center located at 108 E. Main Street in Boswell, IN, also known as the "Hub of the Universe".
Bring your winning chilli or soup of your choice to share, or stop by and join them for tasting, and then vote for your favorite. Voting will take place by cash donations. Boswell Rotary will provide beverages, crackers, chips, desserts, tasting cups and utensils.
The rules are simple! To enter the contest, bring your winning chili or soup to share in a crock pot or other vessel to keep your chili/soup hot. It is an open category. Please notify them so they can make proper arrangements. There is no entry fee.
The voting will take place by those in attendance from the community and surrounding area with cash donations to the chili/soup of their choice. Prizes will go to the top three people's choice by counting the cash donations for each entry. The counting will take place just prior to the end of the event.
This sounds like a friendly Rotary challenge, so get out your favorite receipt and enter the chili/soup cook-off challenge. So get ready to enter the challenge today, or just show up on Sunday, March 10th, to enjoy some samples for lunch. All proceeds from the event, go toward supporting community projects.
Boswell Rotary to Host a Chili/Soup Cook-Off on Sunday, March 10th
The Fowler Senior Center is happy to announce that it is now also the Fowler Fitness Center!
The center invites the General Public (not just seniors) to come in and use their complete line of exercise equipment Free of Charge! However, children should not be around the equipment.
The Center is open from 9 am to 2 pm weekdays, but groups wishing to come in after hours or on weekends can call 884-0527 to arrange for the use of the facility.
Put that New Year's resolution to work, and stop by the Fowler Fitness Center, located at 218 E. 5th Street in Fowler, to make your arrangements to use the facility.
New Exercise Facility Available for Adults Located in Fowler
The annual District 6540 Rotary Foundation dinner
will be held on Friday evening, November 4, 2011, at the Lerner Theatre Crystal Ballroom in Elkhart, IN. The Social Hour and Silent Auction will begin at 5:30 pm EST. Dinner will begin at 6:30 pm EST and conclude with a live auction. The
Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Ken Johnson, Chaplin for the Indianapolis Colts, who will motivate, educate and
inspire! He delivers a message of excellence that will leave every
audience with a feeling of hope and encouragement to conquer obstacles
and setbacks in life. Cost for this year's event is $110, with $45 going as a donation
in the name of the attendee to the Rotary Foundation.
All clubs who have at least 10% of their Rotarians in attendance, will be awarded $500 from the District Simplified Grant Fund or $1,000 in District Designated Funds for a Matching Grant. An additional $500 DSG or $1,000 MG will be awarded to the clubs with the greatest percentage of Rotarians in attendance based on club membership size 1 - 45 / 46 - 99 / 100+.
The cost to attend this year's event is $110 per individual, with $45 of this being contributed to The Rotary Foundation in the name of the attendee.
It takes all of us to make this event suiccessful. At the least, hope, will be provided to those less fortunate, at best, lives will be saved. So, let's "Reach Within to Embrace Humanity".
District 6540 Rotary Foundation Dinner - Friday, November 4
Our Indiana State Representative, Don Lehe will be speaking to
Boswell Rotary on Thursday evening, October 6th. He will be telling how the Rotary 4-Way Test applies to his vocation. 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair
to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4.
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The public is invited to hear Rep. Lehe speak to the group and then ask any questions
that you may have. The cost of dinner is $7.00 served @ 6:30 pm, at the Boswell Community
Center, located at 108 E. Main Street in Boswell. The dinner is catered by The Farmer’s Table Restaurant.
Reservations for dinner should be made in advance by calling 869-4218 (Gibson Furniture) before
12:00 noon on Thursday, October 6th. If you just want to attend the program presentation,
it will begin at approximately 7:15 pm.
Our friends at Boswell Rotary invite everyone in the Benton County and surrounding area to attend their regular meeting that evening.
All three Rotary clubs in Benton County are excited to welcome our visiting inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student Tuuli Vidgren from Finland. The Fowler Rotary Club, Boswell Rotary Club and Otterbein Rotary Club will be hosting Tuuli over the next year, right here in Benton County. Host families have already been selected by each club. Tuuli will be in her Junior year attending Benton Central High School.
This is the first joint effort between all three Rotary clubs in the county to host an inbound Rotary youth exchange student. However, they have hosted inbound students as individual clubs in the past. The Rotary Assistant Governor Coordinator for District 6540, Steve Sorenson from Fowler, said that all three clubs in the county have been working on this possibility for the past year. It is great to see our joint efforts coming together to host this fine student. We are excited to share information with our guest student about our fine communities and our lifestyles, right here in Benton County.
The Rotary Youth Exchange program not only works with inbound students from other countries around the world, but also offers the opportunity for local students to participate in the outbound youth exchange program. This is where local high school students have the opportunity to study abroad in another country for one year. The Rotary Youth Exchange program is known as one of the very best around the world. If you have an interest in this possibility, please contact any Rotarian from any of the three clubs in Benton County.
Benton County Rotary Clubs Welcome Rotary Youth Exchange Student
The District Governor for Rotary District 6540, Mike Crabill, will make
his official visit to the Fowler Rotary Club on Wednesday September 7th
at our regular meeting beginning at 12 noon, at the Benton Country Annex
building in Fowler, IN.
There will be a meeting of the Rotary board of directors with the District Governor that began at 11:00 am. All members are encouraged to attend this important meeting. Guests and visiting Rotarians are welcome to attend this meeting.
Rotary District Governor to Make Official Visit to Fowler - Wed., Sept 7th
The next meeting of the Area Rotary Leadership Council will be held on Tuesday evening, December 6, 2011 at the Benton County Annex building, located in Fowler,
IN at 6:30 pm. All Club Presidents and President-Elects, along with selected Committee Chairs from the Boswell, Fowler and Otterbein clubs are encouraged to
attend this quarterly meeting to review our progress on various Rotary
projects and events, while sharing ideas for membership recruitment,
public relations efforts, etc. Plan now to be there, if asked.
Area Rotary Leadership Council Meeting - Tues., December 6th
That's right, all preschool children (birth until their fifth birthday) living in Benton County are eligible to participate. There is no cost to you thanks to the Benton County Imagination Library, the Benton Community Foundation and the many organizations, businesses and individuals who support this excellent program.
Each month a new carefully selected book will be mailed to your child's name, directly to your home. They can look forward to new and exciting reading adventures from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library until they turn five years old, as long as you remain a resident of Benton County.
Register your child today by calling (765) 884-0541 for more information, or you can visit your nearest public library in Benton County to get a registration brochure.
The Fowler Rotary Club is proud to be an annual sponsor of this excellent program to benefit the pre-school age children of Benton County.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is in Benton County!
The Fowler Police Department has investigated six incidents of motor vehicle theft in the last three weeks. Although a perpetrator has been arrested in one case, other unrelated thefts have occurred. In the four most recent incidents the perpetrators take the vehicle during the night, drive it several miles, and return it at or near the location where the vehicle was taken. In one of the recent incidents a car was taken from a closed garage. In all of these thefts, the keys have been left in the vehicle by the owner.
The Fowler Police Department asks that you be certain to remove the keys and lock your vehicle when unattended, even if you park it in your garage. Anyone with information regarding the thefts can call the Fowler Police Department at (765) 884-0450.
The Town of Fowler Park and Recreation Board will be hosting a "Back to School Bash" on Saturday, August 6th at the Fowler Park! The event will begin at 12 noon with the opening of the Fowler Pool and end at 9 pm. Single Admission to the pool will be only $2.00 for the entire day! Wow, what a deal! The pool will be jamming with music, games for all and the traditional fun contests! (The rain date for the Pool activities will be Sunday, August 7th at 12 noon.)
Then beginning at 3 pm at the Fowler Skate Park the "Summer Slam Jam" will begin! Come watch the Jr., Big, and Pro Leagues compete in the 1st competition held at the Skate Park! Admission for this event is Free!
Rotarian Sandy Furr, Director of the Benton County Public Library, informed us of the new hours that the library is open during the week. You can stop by the library on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am - 5 pm, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am - 8 pm, and Saturdays from 9 am - 1 pm. The new hours should make it more convenient for young people and the young at heart to have access to the many services that the library has to offer. Sandy invites all of us throughout the Benton County community to stop by the library soon.
The Fowler Rotary Club will be hosting the Annual Rotary Lasagna Dinner fundraiser on Wednesday evening, May 25th, at the new Benton County Annex building, located at 410 S. Adeway Road in Fowler, from 5 - 7 pm. The cost of the tickets are $6.75 each for dine-in or carry-out. The proceeds from this fundraising event support our many community projects throughout the year.
So, if you are looking for a night out with family and friends, join us at the Rotary Lasagna Dinner this coming Wednesday, May 25th. See you there!
Fowler Rotary Annual Lasagna Dinner - Wed., May 25th
Last week during our Club Assembly, our RYLA Chairperson Sandy Furr
announced that the two students selected by the committee to represent the Fowler Rotary Club at the upcoming RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) Camp this year at Camp Tecumseh are Benton Central
students Sierra Emilson and Marshall Sparenberg.
Then we informed that Joe Silver, grandson of one of our own, Rotarian
Bill Silver, was one of the two selected by the Boswell Rotary Club to
attend the camp.
Congratulations to all of these fine applicants. We are confident that they
well have a great experience attending the RYLA Camp, April 15 - 17, located just outside of Brookston, IN.
Each month, we will highlight a piece of Rotary history and share an inspirational quote from past Rotary leaders. This month's quote is by - Angus S. Mitchell, 1948-49 RI President
"The youth of every generation has stood in a critical position, for the
scales have been tipped one way or the other by the training they
received from their elders. This is particularly true today. Our boys
and girls have greater freedom, exercise greater power, and have more
opportunities for both good and evil, than ever before. How important it
is, therefore, that youth’s great possibilities for good be realized
and developed!"
By Arnold Grahl and Ryan Hyland - Rotary International News
Billions of people lack access
to safe drinking water and proper sanitation. Rotarians are involved in projects worldwide, from building mechanized water systems to teaching better
personal hygiene.
Villages in four regions of Ghana are being equipped with ventilated pit
latrines, showers, and boreholes featuring hand pumps and mechanized
pipes through the efforts of dozens of Rotary clubs in Latin America,
North America, and Ghana.
The effort is part of the International H2O Collaboration,
an alliance between Rotary International and USAID. Launched in 2009,
it works to implement long-term, sustainable water, sanitation, and
hygiene projects in the developing world. The first phase of the
partnership has focused on three countries: Ghana, the Philippines, and
the Dominican Republic.
We have taken on the personal search to find the old Fowler black &
white film that Art Korbe had made several years ago. We believe it was a
16 mm film on a reel in a metal movie container. To our knowledge, Art
always had it in his possession until he became ill and then later
passed away. Our club has viewed this film at least a couple of times
several years ago.
On Wednesday, Nov. 17, all Fowler Rotarians were encouraged to bring a guest to the regular meeting, to introduce them to what Rotary, and especially Fowler Rotary is all about. The Fowler Rotary Club participates in several community projects, along with district and international projects.
The Fowler Rotary Club is proud to announce that "Operation Hoosier Honor", a local project, in cooperation with the clubs in Rotary District 6540, to send out packages to our northern Indiana Military Men & Women serving in Afghanistan, has turned out to be a great success. The initial goal established for our club was to get enough supplies to take care of at least five "Hoosiers" serving in the military.
The Fowler Rotary Club held a service day project in the downtown Fowler area on Saturday, May 21st, with another Fowler Rotary Clean Sweep project.
The Fowler Rotary Club members used the opportunity to clean up alleys
located behind and in between the buildings around the business district
in downtown Fowler, by picking up trash and chopping down weeds and
tall grass in those areas. We also used the opportunity to clean up around our flag pole Adopt-A-Spot area at the triangle of US 52, 5th Street and Washington Avenue in Fowler, IN.
Our efforts that day, caught on with several others, as we even ran into more infividuals taking the opportunity to spruce up their properties located in the downtown area. We would have gone further, but the afternoon rain cut our efforts short.
We appreciate the support of the Town of Fowler officials, who gave us their support in our efforts. Thank you to all of you who have noticed our efforts, and have shared their positive comments with us. That is what keeps us excited about our efforts to keep our community looking good.
"OPERATION HOOSIER HONOR" - How Everyone can Support our Hoosier Soldiers Deployed to Afghanistan on Veteran's Day - November 11, 2010.
Nothing makes a deployed soldier Smile like a Package from HOME. Support our Deployed Hoosier Soldiers Fighting the War on Terror
in Afghanistan, by sending them a Care Package on their Day - Veteran's
Day 2010. These soldiers are all living in some pretty austere
environments that do not provide them with some of the basic
necessities, entertainment and social
interaction that we enjoy in our free society. These Soldiers would
love to hear from you with a personal note along with a package full of
needed items that are not readily available to them in Afghanistan. We
will have approximately 100 Hoosier soldiers deployed to Afghanistan on
Veteran's Day this year. We would like to make these packages as
personal as possible, without violating Operational Security.
The District Governor for Rotary District 6540, Steve VanScoik, made his official visit to Benton County on Thursday evening, September 30 at 6:30 pm at the Benton Country Club in Fowler, IN. The Boswell and Otterbein Rotary Clubs joined the Fowler Rotary Club as the host for the joint Tri-Club meeting at the Benton County Country Club.
There was a meeting of the three Rotary boards with the District Governor that began at 5:00 pm.
All of the Rotarians in attendance from the three clubs were encouraged about the future of Rotary after the Governor's message and his update as to what is happening in Rotary within our district and around the world. This was an exciting meeting with Rotary fun and fellowship! See the September 30 issue of "The Windbag" newsletter for further details of this exciting meeting.
The Fowler Rotary Club will be serving Porkburgers, chips and cold Pepsi products at the 4th Annual Fowler Harvest Festival on Saturday, September 25 from 10 am to 3 pm. We encourage everyone to stop by and say hello, while enjoying a Benton County Porkburger sandwich. Come enjoy the day in Fowler. We hope to see you there.
Governor Mitch Daniels has signed a proclamation declaring October 2 as Indiana Rotarian Service Day. Click here to see the proclamation! All 55 clubs in District 6540 were asked to select and participate in a project that serves the needs of their community. Please click here for details about this great statewide project!
The "49th" Annual Fowler Rotary Hamburger Supper will be held on Wednesday evening, September 12th from 5 - 7 pm, at the Fowler Town Park Shelter House.
Adult tickets are $7.00 each, with Children 12 & under $4.00 each. Proceeds from this event go to support the many community projects that we assist with. Tickets are available from any Fowler Rotarian, or they can be purchased at the door.
The menu consist of fresh grilled Hamburger Sandwiches, Potato Chips, Baked Beans, Fresh Tomato's and Dessert, with Coffee, Lemonade or water to drink.
Come out to the Fowler Town Park, enjoy dinner and a great evening with family, friends and neighbors. See you there!
Rotary's official mottoes, Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best, trace back to the early days of the organization.
In 1911, He Profits Most Who Serves Best was approved as the Rotary motto at the second convention of the National Association of Rotary Clubs of America, in Portland, Oregon. It was adapted from a speech made by Rotarian Arthur Frederick Sheldon (pictured) to the first convention, held in Chicago the previous year. Sheldon declared that "only the science of right conduct toward others pays. Business is the science of human services. He profits most who serves his fellows best."
So you are asking yourself, what is Dolly Parton's Imagination Library? Well it almost sounds too simple to be true, but by reading regularly with your children or grandchildren during their preschool years, you are giving them the biggest boost toward a successful education they will ever get.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library will help you read with your child. There can be many reasons parents do not read to their child, but we can eliminate one of them. Every child will have books of their very own, at no cost to you, thanks to the Imagination Library of Benton County, the Benton Community Foundation, Dolly Parton and the great local businesses and community organizations like the Fowler Rotary Club, just one of the original sponsor's of the program locally.
Fowler Rotary Club President, Father Don Gross presents a check to Jean Glotzbach, administrator of the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program in Benton County.
The first year, there were 20 pre-school age children participating in the program. Today, there are 246 who receive books monthly until the age of 5. The purpose of the county-wide program is to get books into the homes of these young kids.
Parents, and even grand parents, are encouraged to read to their children or grandchildren every day.
The Fowler Rotary Club is an original sponsor of the program locally in the county, and is honored to continue that support today.
At our regular meeting today, Fowler Rotary Club President, Father Don Gross, presented a check to Bob Pilotte, Director of the Fowler Senior Citizens Center.
Bob gave us a brief summary of the last 11 months at the Senior Center. They have served 5,700 meals, assisted 376 through the center's food pantry, and had 1,080 participate in various activities at the center.
Bob thanked the Rotarians for their financial support which will help keep the utilities and other expenses paid at the Senior Citizens Center.
By Arnold R. Grahl, Rotary International News - June 23, 2010
As the 2010 RI Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada, drew to a close on 23 June, RI President-elect Ray Klinginsmith outlined his plans for his term, which begins 1 July. Participants also got a preview of next year's big event in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, where the Host Organization Committee has planned fun for the whole family.
Klinginsmith will ask Rotarians to apply "cowboy logic" and make Rotary clubs "bigger, better, and bolder."
Fowler Rotary Club President, Father Don Gross, presents the book titled "A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International", to the Benton County Public Library Director, Sandy Furr.
The book was commissioned by Rotary International for the Rotary Centennial. This inspirational book vividly documents Rotary's history, the development of its programs, and the difference that Rotarians have made around the world. It includes a wealth of fascinating facts, untold stories, and never before published photographs.
This contribution is a part of our on-going commitment to the Rotary Literacy Project for 2009 - 2010. This is a book that everyone will want to check out at the library, to learn more about our great organization, that we as Rotarians are proud to be a part of.
The Fowler Rotary Club has received the Membership Development and Extension Award, presented on behalf of the Board of Directors of Rotary International. This award is in grateful appreciation for contributions made in membership development by achieving the highest retention rate in District 6540 during 2009-10. The award certificate is signed by John Kenny, 2009-10 President of Rotary International.
Many thanks to our District Governor Floyd Lancia for recommending that we receive this award for membership achievement. The Fowler club has achieved a 50% increase in membership so far this Rotary year.
BAM! Our Bring A Member membership campaign is doing well. Congratulations to the Otterbein Rotary Club for a 14 percent membership gain during this last quarter. They will be receiving a $500 check from the District. The Columbia City club was a close second with a 12 percent increase, followed by Crown Point with a 9 percent increase. Several clubs were also recognized at the District Celebration for outstanding membership growth. The Fowler club has experienced a 50 percent increase from July 1 until now. That is outstanding!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to attend a RYLA Camp? Well, now you get your chance. That's right. Rotary District 6540 is proud to present the first ever RYLA for Rotarians, Igniting Rotary Leaders. Finally, Rotarians get the opportunity to see why RYLA is so powerful!
At the District 6540 Conference Celebration held April 30 & May 1 in Fort Wayne, IN, the Fowler Rotary Club was honored to receive three different Awards of Achievement, presented by DG Floyd Lancia during the conference.
The first was for achieving the higest percentage of membership increase of 50% during the 2009-10 Rotary year. Our efforts will create a lasting affect on District 6540 and strengthen the "Future of Rotary."
The second was for our efforts to promote literacy during the 2009-10 Rotary year. Our significant support of literacy has helped strengthen individual dignity and self-worth of people, thereby strengthening the foundations of goodwill, understanding, and peace.
The third was for efforts promoting the ideals of Rotary International during the 2009-10 Rotary year. Our significant support of values established by RI President John Kenny has strengthen the "Future of Rotary," in receiving the RI Presidential Citation.
The members of the Fowler Rotary Club are to be commended for their dedicated efforts to promote the ideals of Rotary. Congratulations!
By Ryan Hyland, Rotary International News -- April 28, 2010
Representatives at the 2010 Council on Legislation approved an enactment April 28 to add a fifth Avenue of Service: New Generations.
After adopting an amendment to change the name from Youth Service, as originally proposed, to New Generations, the Council narrowly supported the addition to article 5 of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. The 263-250 vote was received by surprised gasps and applause after a short debate.
By Jennifer Lee Atkin, Rotary International News -- April 28, 2010
After more than an hour of debate, district representatives at the 2010 Council on Legislation voted Monday to make e-clubs a permanent part of Rotary International.
The measure, approved by a vote of 430 to 85, received loud applause.
If you have the opportunity, go check out the new Benton County, Indiana website. It will be a great resource to promote what we have to offer as a county-wide community. To view the website, click on the Benton County Website in the left toolbar area of this page.
New tools, new tactics, and increased support from political leaders have put Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in the best position ever to finish the job of ridding the world of polio.
by Ryan Hyland, Rotary International News - April 6, 2010
Rotarians in Haiti are laying the groundwork for the next phase of the recovery process: sustainable restoration projects that will enable long-term rehabilitation to begin.
The following Fowler Rotary Club Proclamation was accepted at the March 15, 2010 meeting, of the Fowler Town Council.
Pictured is Town Council President and fellow Rotarian Linda Brouillette presenting the proclamation to Rotarian Steve Sorenson, representing the Fowler Rotary Club.
Rotary International has been focusing on improving literacy in the world for many years. One of the many reasons for this emphasis is to help improve the quality of life. Nearly a billion people in the world today are unable to read a book or sign their names and approximately two-thirds of them are women. Their being illiterate will continue to keep them in poverty and in poor health. It's hard to believe, but as the world population grows, so does the number of individuals that are not able to read or write. Included in this outstanding number are 73 million girls that will grow into adulthood without a basic education.
Luanne Triolo was several weeks into a challenge to wear her Rotary pin for 60 days straight when she realized she had missed a day.
So the 2009-10 president of the Rotary Club of Carol Stream, Illinois, USA, started all over again to meet the challenge William Ferreira, governor of District 6440, had set before all his club presidents.
"You get used to it. It's something that is really good to do," says Triolo. "Different pins do catch people's eye in different ways."
To get the latest update's on District 7020's response to the sad events in Haiti, from District 7020's Haiti Liaison Chair PDG Richard 'Dick' McCombe.....(You may subscribe to the bolg to automatically recieve updates)
The full blog of updates on the Haiti earthquake response activities is available at the following link Click here to go to D7020 Haiti earthquake updates Blog You may subscribe to this blog to automatically recieve updates on District 7020 response to the Haitian earthquake crisis.
Shelterboxes are being sent to the people of Haiti and Chile on a regular basis from the donations of individual citizens including many Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, other service & community groups, schools, church groups, businesses, corporations, and small private foundations. The following will explain what is a Shelterbox, and the contents of them, depending on the disaster they serve.
Materials are ordered from a range of suppliers selected for general use, long-life, quality and price. Shelterboxes are prepared and packed using all new materials as delivered from manufacturers, at the Shelterbox warehouse based in Helston, Cornwall. The standard Shelterbox weighs 110 lbs. and has approximate dimensions 2'3" x 1'4" x 11". They are sealed and banded for transit and security. Box contents vary depending on the nature of the disaster requiring their use.
The price of a complete Shelter Box is $1,000 (US). This includes the purchase of new Box items, assembly, warehousing and their subsequent delivery to the site location, (covering transportation, handling, insurance) and standard administrative costs.
Smaller donations are also gratefully accepted. ShelterBox USA will combine partial donations and distribute a complete box when funds equal the cost of an entire box. All donations submitted with a mailing address will be sent a tax-deductible receipt, noting the Box number their contribution funded.
For more information on how you can help by making a donation, go to
Boxes are sometimes packed with two 10-person tents in them, (to the exclusion of some smaller items, to maximize shelter capacity. Some of the selected Box items that are available for inclusion in the Box are:
District Governor-Elect Steve Van Scoik, a member of the Concord Rotary Club, recently announced some new appointments to serve as Assistant District Governor's throughout Rotary District 6540, with their term beginning July 1, 2010.
He was pleased to announce that Rotarian Steve Sorenson, from the Fowler Rotary Club, has been named to fill an Assistant Governor's position. The clubs that Steve has been assigned to serve with this appointment, are the Boswell, Fowler and Otterbein clubs. He currently serves the Fowler Rotary Club as their Club Secretary and as the Foundation Chairperson. Steve is also currently serving as a member of the District 6540 Administration Council, representing the western third of the district. Steve will be attending the Assistant Governor Training Seminar on February 20th. He will also be attending the Multi-District PETS session March 18 - 20 in Kalamazoo, MI for additional training, and the opportunity to meet Club Presidents from throughout the District.
Rotary mobilizes to aid in Haitian relief and recovery
Rotary has established the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund for Rotary members who want to donate toward recovery efforts after a powerful earthquake rocked the country on January 12, 2010.
After taking the stage to the tune of "California, Here I Come," RI President-elect Ray Klinginsmith announced the 2010-11 RI theme, Building Communities -- Bridging Continents, during the opening plenary session of the 2010 International Assembly .
Klinginsmith said he arrived at the theme after reviewing RI themes of years past. He noticed that only a few spoke to non-Rotarians.
by PDG Jim Jeselnick, District Membership Chairman
BAM! Several Rotary clubs in District 6540 "brought a member" to their club. The first session of the District Membership Contest has officially ended and the winner of the $500 cash prize is the Rotary Club of Gary, with a 34.5% increase. Under the direction of President Shirley Caylor, the club added 10 new members and went from 29 to 39! Congratulations Gary Rotary Club!
There was a tie for second place between Angola and Roseland, who each grew 25.9%. Third place went to Fowler with an impressive 22.2% gain. District Membership Chair Jim Jeselnick will present the check to the Gary club in the near future.
Overall, the District added 93 new members, with just 7 Rotary clubs not reporting. That is great work, but we still have a long way to go to get to 3,010 members for our District by June 30th. The contest begins all over again and a second winner will be announced after the March 31st deadline. Please encourage every member to invite a prospective guest or to turn a name over to the club's Membership Chair.
Rotary's fundamental purposes include the development of productive workers, good citizens, good parents, servant leaders, and self-actualized adults who can live the Rotary principles. All of these purposes recognize the fact that no matter how troubled a society is, its growth and progress are dependent on its citizens' ability to read and write. In other words, its basic literacy. Today, over one billion adults and children are illiterate. This number is rising, even in our own state and communities.
Our District Governor and Administrative Council are committed to improving literacy in our District. Such progress will be defined by literacy projects by each club. Literacy goals could, in fact, be a part of each club activity. Specific information on literacy projects can be gained from the International and district websites. A club that participates in at least two projects, as defined in information regarding literacy efforts, will receive recognition from DG Floyd, as well as recognition at the annual Convention. Record of the reports must be sent to Dan Keilman at 1242 Redbud Drive in Chesterton on or before April 15, 2010. For questions, call (219) 926-5872 or e-mail
Are you a new Rotarian looking for more ways to get involved in your club? Or maybe you're a club leader trying to get your members more involved.
Take the new e-learning module on how to get involved in Rotary to learn how Rotarians all over the world have become more involved and have encouraged others to participate.
This interactive module features personal examples and ideas from Rotarians from every continent. Some mention using their skills, while others suggest taking on a leadership role. Navigate the module by choosing the part of the world you want to read about.
You can also learn more about getting involved in Rotary by visiting the Rotary E-Learning Center.
Rotary Minute
is a monthly video series that features Rotarians around the world
sharing their thoughts about topics that interest them. In each video,
you'll hear answers to questions such as what does Rotary mean to you?
how does Rotary serve your community? and how has Rotary changed your
As The Rotarian celebrates its 100th anniversary, more than 1,000 back issues have found a 21st-century home. Rotary has teamed up with Google to make archived copies of the magazine available free online - more than 72,000 pages overall.
To find out what the Fowler Rotary Club is doing from week to week at their regular meetings, go click on the Club Bulletin link at the top of this page, next to our meeting location. It will keep you up to date. Thanks for checking us out.
We are excited to announce that we have four new members who have joined Fowler Rotary. We give a big Rotary welcome to new members Don Hurd, Publisher of The Benton Review; Harriet Lambrecht, Administrator of the Green Hill Manor; Brenda Ludwig, Pastor of the Fowler United Methodist Church; and Blake Schoen, Insurance Agent with Hoosier Associates. They were installed as Rotarians by our District Governor Mike Crabill during his official visit on September 7th, at our regular Rotary meeting. We encourage every Rotarian to sit with them at lunch, to get to know each one of them and what they enjoy doing, while sharing with them additional information about our great club!
Many thanks to the following Rotarian sponsors: Dave Guthridge, Linda Bennett & Destin Haas for issuing the invitation.
Just recently we added the following Rotarians to our organization - Aggie DeBruicker, Wholesale Internet Sales, Destin Haas, Superintendent of the Benton Community Schoolsand John Wright, Attorney and Benton County Prosecutor.
Many thanks to the following Rotarian sponsors; Paul Minix, Steve Sorenson and Jack Duncan for issuing their invitation.
This makes seven (7) new members joining our fine organization in the last 60 days. Wow!!! This is fantastic news. We could not be more excited. Who will be the next Rotarian to propose
a new member to join our fine group? We are now on a roll, so let's keep it going. We meet on Wednesday's at 12 noon, at the Benton County Annex building, located at 410 S. Adeway Road in Fowler. If you have an interest in becoming a member of Rotary, please contact any Fowler Rotarian for more information. We look forward to hearing from you today!
A BIG Rotary Welcome to our Newest Members in 2011 - 12
Interact is Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting.
Club membership varies greatly. Clubs can be single gender or mixed, large or small. They can draw from the student body of a single high school or from two or more high schools in the same community.
District Governor Floyd Lancia and District Literacy Chair Dan Keilman, from the Chesterton/Porter Rotary Club, are pleased to announce the new Governor's Citation Award for 2009-10 Club Literacy Projects.
All U.S. Rotarians can earn $50 for your Rotary club by applying online for the Rotary International Platinum Plus MasterCard credit card at the web link below and make qualifying purchases with your new card. At the same time, you will be supporting Rotary's $200 Million Challenge to eradicate Polio from the face of the earth.
One of the most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics in the world is the Rotary International 4-Way Test. It was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy. Taylor looked for a way to save the struggling company mired in depression caused financial difficulties. He drew up a 24 word code of ethics for all employees to follow in their business and professional lives. The 4-Way Test became the guide for sales, production, advertising and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy.
Herb Taylor became president of Rotary International in 1954-55. The 4-Way Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943 and has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways.
Of the things we think, say or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH?
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Do you truly appreciate the significance of being a part of this glorious past and present? As Rotarians, you are special people and millions around the world would be happy to confirm that fact.
What is a Rotarian?
• A Rotarian is a person who digs wells from which they will never drink,
• A person who vaccinates children they will never meet,
• Who restores sight for those they will never see,
• Who builds houses they will never live in,
• Who educates children they will never know,
• Who plants trees they will never sit under,
• Who feeds hungry people, regardless of race, religion or politics,
• Who makes crawlers walk half a world away,
• Who knows real happiness, which as Albert Schweitser said, can only be found by serving others.
The Rotary Club of Fowler serves the community of Fowler, IN, the surrounding area in Benton County, and international projects, by providing direct monetary support. Some of the organizations and projects that we have supported in recent years include:
Rotary eClub One is a fully chartered Rotary club and spending 30 minutes on their club site is a Rotary International approved make-up. Rotary International by-laws were changed in 2007 to provide for this make-up. If you have not completed an online make-up yet, you will find it full of more Rotary information then you might typically get at a traditional meeting.
Fowler, Indiana is a town of about 2,400 people located in Benton County in rural Northwest Indiana. Fowler is an agricultural community known for its rich fertile soil that produces near record crops of corn and soybeans every year. Thus, the self proclaimed title for Benton County - the "Soybean Capitol of the World."
As a new member of the Fowler Rotary Club, in Rotary International and District 6540, it will be helpful if you know some to the principles by which Rotary functions. (Click on video above.)